Editor: Takashi Miyayama
Art Director: Hiroshi Ohchi
Cover Design: Hiroshi Ohchi
The 10th Commemoration Special Issue
Special Portfolio of the World Top Level 72 Designers’ Works (from the members of the AGI)
1 伊藤憲治 Kenji Ito
Born in 1915, Tokyo. One of the leading designers in Japan who pioneered the early Japanese graphic design world since the pre-war period to that of the economic growth. His representative works include cover design of Aeroplane magazine, Medical magazine and CI works for Canon, Nestle. Died in 2001.
2 3 16 21 38 45 46 49 56 60 64 75 83 89 95 107 128
Hiroshi Ohchi
Born in 1908, Okayama. Graduated from Tokyo school of Arts. The first art director of IDEA. While He was active in C.I., and packaging design, he performed enlightenment and educational activities energetically as a leading Japanese internationally-minded person of the initial design industry. he directed towards enlightenment and educational activities as a leading Japanese internationally-minded person of the initial design industry. Died in 1974.
4 イウジェニオ・カルミー Eugenio Carmi
1920年,イタリアのジェノア生まれ。化学技術を専攻した後,チューリッヒの美術工芸学校およびジェノアの芸術アカデミーに学ぶ。58年から65年まで製鉄企業イタシデル社のADとしてコーポレート・アイデンティティを手掛ける。その一方,実験的な作品作りにも取り組む。画家,イラストレーター,テキステイル・デザイナーとして活躍。視覚伝達記号研究にも関わり,67年のヴェネチア・ビエンナーレで電子自動作画機械SPECによる作品を出品。2000年,記号論学者・作家のウンベルト・エーコとのコラボレーションで「Modern Fables」展を行う。
Designer, painter, illustrator, textile designer. Born in Genoa, Italy, 1920. Studied chemical engineering and attended the school of Arts & Crafts in Zurich, and the Art academy in Genoa. From 1958 to ’65 worked as AD for steel conglomerate Italsider. He also researched visual communication. His research culminated in SPEC(automatic imaging system) in 1966. In 2000 he collaborated with Unberto Eco in the exhibition ‘Modern Fables’.
5 河野鷹思 Takashi Kono
Born in Tokyo, 1906. After graduating from Tokyo Art school, He joined the Shochiku Cinema to take charge of art direction for movies and stage design. He contributed to design photographic murals of the World’s fairs of San Francisco and Paris as a counselor of Nihonkobo, the design collective. He also took an important role in Tokyo Olympic games and the Japan World fair. One of the important figure in the early design scene in Japan. Died in 1999.
6 12 26 70 今竹七郎 Shichiro Imatake
Born in Kobe, 1907. He started painting and design after learning under Shigeyoshi Hayashi and influence of Massimo Campigli. In 1927 He entered the ad section of Daimaru department store, then Takashimaya department store. He had been active in Kansai district, establishing his style. He was one of the leading figure in the very early stage of Japanese design world. He also designed packages of daily commodities which still have been popular in Japanese. Died in2000.
7 ヘルムート・ロルツ Helmut Lortz
Born in 1920, Darmstadt. Studied sculpture at the art academy in Berlin. After working at a printing company, became freelance. First German AGI member. Since 1948, member of the new citizens of Darmstadt Sezession. From 1957 foundation members of the graphic arts group NOVUM. From 1959 professorship for experimental graphic arts at the university of the arts Berlin. Numerous book formations, advertising, posters.
8 宮永岳彦 Takehiko Miyanaga
Born in Shizuoka Japan, 1919. Graduated from Nagoya City Industrial Arts School. After working as a designer at Matsuzakaya Department Store, he had been famous in the public for his painting and drawing works for magazines, books. Died in 1987.
9 ポール・ランド Paul Rand
1914年,ニューヨークのブルックリン生まれ。20世紀アメリカのグラフィックデザイン界最大の巨匠とされる。プラット・インスティテュート,パーソンズ,アー トスチューデンツ・リーグの各校に学ぶ。 若くして「アパレルアーツ」(現,「GQ」)誌,「エスクワイア」誌のADに抜擢される。その長いキャリアのなかIBMをはじめ有名な作品を数多く残す。デザインに関する著書に『A Designer’s Art』,『From Lascaux to Brooklyn』など。1996年没。享年82歳。
Born in 1914, in Brooklyn, New York. One of the most influential figures in 20century graphic design. Studied at Plat Institute, Persons and Art Students League. At a yound age, worked as an art direction for Esquire magazine and ‘Apparel Arts’ (later ‘GQ:Gentleman’s Quarterly’). In his long career, he designed numerous masterpieces, including C.I works for IBM. He published books on graphic design, including ‘A Designer’s Art’ and ‘From Lascaux to Brooklyn.’ Died in 1996.
10 ハーバート・バイヤー Herbert Bayer
Born in Haag, Austria, in 1990. He was a student at the Bauhaus Weimar. having first joined the mural workshop under Wassily Kandinsky. From 1925 to ’28, he was a master of the workshop for graphic design and printing the bauhaus, which meantime had moved to Dessau. He was art director of ‘Vogue’ in Berlin. He left for U.S.. He worked in association with his friend Walter Gropius to design the exposition ‘Bauhaus 1918-28’ at MoMA. Died in 1985.
11 大橋正 Tadashi Ohashi
Born in Kyoto, 1916. After graduating from the design course of Chiba University, he worked as designer for Ad agency Dentsu, Daimaru department store. Since 1945, he became free and worked as designer, art director, illustrator for Kikkoman Soy Source and many other companies. His collaboration with Kikkoman continued for over 40 years till he died in 1998.
13 原弘 Hiromu Hara
Born in 1901, Nagano. Graduated from Tokyo Kogei High School. He had been a leader of early Japanese graphic design. He was an earliest pioneer with clear view on graphic design with multiple use of printing , photography and typography. He left important works of book design and poster in 40s and 50s. He took important roles in significant events in the history of Japanese design. Died in 1986.
15 アッシュレー・ハビンデン Ashley Havinden
He was bon in U.K., 1903. painter, poster designer, graphic designer, Typographer, textile designer. He had been Director of Art at S. W. Crawford Ltd. since 1929, and vice chairman from 60 to 67. He designed posters, advertisements and other publicity materials for Milk Marketing Board, the General Post Office, the London city council, Simpson’s department store, KLM and many other companies. He died in 1973.
17 山名文夫 Ayao Yamana
Born in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1898. He learned Western painting and entered the publisher, Platon Co. in 1923 where he did illustration for magazines and books and design of ads. In 1929 he entered Shiseido Cosmetics and four years later he became freelancer and worked for the Japanese external publicity magazine ‘NIPPON’ . After WWII, he re-entered Shiseido as a design director. His elegant style had much influence on Japanese design and fashion fields. Died in 1980.
18 レオ・レオーニ Leo Lionni
Born in Amsterdam, 1910. He took his ph.D in Economics at the university of Genoa. He is self-taught as an artist. He went to U.S in 1939. To 1947, he was art director with various companies. For the next two years, he was in Europe for painting and studying. After he returned to U.S, he became art director of ‘Fortune’ magazine. He also designed for MoMA, Olivetti, etc. In the mid 50s he became co-editor of ‘Print’, contributing for international relationship of designers. He was also known for many children books. Died in 1999.
19 ジョージ・ジュスティGeorge Giusti
Born in Milan, 1918. He studied fine art and architecture at the Reale Accademia di Belle Arti di Brea in Milan. After heading his own design studio, hre went to the U.S. in 1938.He worked as free lance for ads, magaines and books
22 ハンス・シュレーガー Hans Schleger
Born and brought up in Berlin, 1898. Schleger set up business in New York in 1924. In 1929 He returned to Germany and worked for the Berlin branch of Crawfords advertising agency. In 1932 he moved to London, where he was to work for the rest of his life. He was one of the earliest designer bring European modernism into U.S.A.. Schleger developed a client list which included London Transport, John Lewis Partnership, Penguin Books and ICI. Died in 1976.
23 マシュー・レイボウィッツ Matthew Leibowitz
Matthew Leibowitz attended evening classes at the Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art while he worked in a design studio during the day. He was Art Director of the Philadelphia Advertising Agency before setting up as a freelance advertising artist. From 1942 he art directed and consulted for several firms including IBM, RCA Victor, Sharp and Dohme, Spalding and others. Died in 1974.
27 J・M・ブロックマン Josef Müller-Brockmann
Born in Switherland in 1914. Since 50s, He had moved away from illustration to objective-constructive design and became internationally influencial as a Swiss style typographer. In 1958 founded a design magazine “Neue Grafik” with Richard Paul Lohse and others. Invited as a guest speaker to many international design conferences and lectures at schools. His authored several books on desing including ‘A History of Visual Communication’, ‘Grid Systems in Graphic Design.’ Died in 1996.
28 氏原忠夫 Tadano Ujihara
Born in Yokohama, 1914. Graduated from Kanagawa Industrial High School. In 1938 he entered Morinaga confectionary company. After 1942 he became freelance working for Asahi newspaper, Higeta Soy source. He was famous for ad, packaging, poster design. He also published several books on design and illustration.
29, 43, 96, 189ジャック・ナタン・ギャラモン
Jacques N. Garamond
Born in Paris in 1910. Graphic artist, designer, painter, professor, lead in the same time some various activities: commercial creativity, visual communication and free Art: painting, engraving. He is founder of Alliance Graphique Internationale(A.G.I). His works had been reguraly reproduced in the most important international magazines of Graphic Art. Died in 2001.
30 ボブ・ギル Bob Gill
Born in 1931, New York. He studied design at Philadelphia Museum School of Art and painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Art and the Collage of the city of New York. From 1954 to ’60, he worked independently as designer and illustrator. He went to London in 1960. In 1962 he formed a design team Fletcher/Forbes/Gill but receded the group in 1966 to become independent again. Authored and illustrated many books.
31 ポール・ピーター・ピーチ Paul Peter Piech
Born in Brooklyn, 1920. He was educated at the Cooper Union Collage of Art, NY, and the Chelsea School of Art, London, where he recived a fellowship to the society of typographic designers. He is a founding member of the London Chapel of Private Press Printers. He continued to make posters with hard-hitting political texts & images. Died in 1996.
32 早川良雄 Yoshio Hayakawa
1917年,大阪生まれ。1936年 大阪市立工芸学校工芸図案科卒業。1952, 三越,近鉄百貨店宣伝部などを経てフリーとなる。その感覚的な造形や色彩感覚により若くから関西図案界の寵児となる。戦後,51年の日宣美設立,55年の「グラフィック55」展,1970年の日本万国博覧会の色彩基本計画ほか戦後日本グラフィックデザインの中心部分を担ってきた一人。そのみずみずしい造形感覚や色彩は,大きな影響力を与えた。
Born in Osaka, 1917. After graduating from Osaka City Kogei High school, He worked as Ad designer at Mitsukoshi Department store and Kintetsu department store. His free and elegant style made him a star in the design world of the west Japan from his early stage. He also took important role in various historical events of Japanese graphic design history, being one of the founders of the Japan Advertising Artists Club, ‘graphic 55’ exhibition and Expo’70.
33 エリッヒ・ブッフェガー Erick Buchergger
Born in Lintz, Austria, in 1924. First aspired to musician, but changed his mind and started painting in 1946. After learning at Lintz art and craft school, he decided his profession as graphic designer.
34 ウイリアム・バンス William F. Bunce
Born in New Jersey, 1925.Attended Drexel Univ., majoring Art. In WWII, working with Art Dept. SHEF in London and Paris at GHQ. After war, continued education at Art student’s Leagues, Workshop School and Bradler Univ. Freelance and then employed by CBS devoting mostly for promotional posters and title illustrations for TV programs.
35 ハンス・ハデレック Hans Haderek
Born in Berlin, 1921. He learned his skill in the publicity department of a motion picture company. In 1950-52, he worked at the technical collage of Stuttgart. In 1952-54, worked at Verlag Gert Hatje. From 1954, He became a freelancer in Stuttgart. His main fields included prospectus, posters, ads and others.
37 フレッド・ヨルダン Fred Jordan
1927年ヨーロッパに生まれる。36年にブラジルへ移民。独学でデザインを学ぶ。広告代理店(Mc. Carm Erickson, Livtas)に勤務。南米最高の印刷所のひとつであるL・ニコル村のアートディレクター。
Born in Europe, 1927, immigrated to Brasil, 1936. Autodidact. Worked in an advertising studios and some year as freelance. Art director at L.Niccolini, one of the first printing shops in South-America.
41 シオ・ディムソン Theo Dimson
Born in London, Ontario. During a 50-year career, he has designed commemorative stamps for Canada Post, space shuttle posters for Imax and titles for the films ‘Agnes of God’ and ‘Moonstruck.’ Oxford published his book on posters, and he has won numerous awards and recognition around the world. He is the only graphic artist to have held a one-man show at the Royal Ontario Museum.
42 フィッシャー+ノスビッシュ Fischer + Nosbisch
These two people, Fritz Fischer and Dorothea Nosbisch, had combined to the team. Fischer was born in 1919 in Frankfurt. He studied at Staedlschule Frankfrur/Main. Since 1945 he deal with painting and advertising art as a free-lancer. Nosbisch was born in 1921, in Bad Kreuznach. She also studied at Staedlschule Frankfrur/Main. From 1940 to ’43 she worked for printing company.
43 ジャック・リシェ Jacques Richez
He learned at Academie Royale des Beaux Arts in Mons and joined a design studio in Brussels. Served Army and after returning in 194 set up his own studio. Held one man show in 1946 and 1954 in Brussel. He took part in the AGI exhibitions in Paris, London and Lausanne. The Brussel World Fair add his design for its official poster. He also authord and designed the Expo’s Brochure.
51 オレ・エクセル Olle Eksell
He is one of the greatest graphic designer in Sweden. He deal with many of book design and published his own picture books. He had written ‘Edward and a Horse’ cooperated with Ann Rand.
52 ウォルター・ランダー Walter Landor
Born in Munich, 1913. He as a youth was influenced by the Bauhaus and Werkbund design movements. He studied at London University’s Goldsmith College School of Art in 1931. At 1922, he became a founding partner with Misha Black and Milner Gray in Industrial Design Partnership. In 1939, he travelled to U.S.A. working for the British Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair. Then he settled in San Francisco. In 1941, He established Walter Landor & Associates. Over the next few decades, Landor Associates has became the world’s preeminent design firm, working with the world’s best-known companies. Died in 1995.
58 エルザ・クラ Elsa Kula
Born in New York City and graduated from Pratt Institute. She was inspired by an exhibition on Bauhaus, held at MoMA and enrolled its American counterpart, the School of Design in Chicago. The years at the school and the association with L. Moholy-Nagy and Gyorgy Kepes were to have a profound influence on her life and work. Her professional experience included working in Washington D.C., New York and Chicago with periods of teaching at the Institute of Design, Chicago, and at the design department, Southern Illinois University.
66 ピーター・ブラティンガ Pieter Brattinga
1931年,オランダ生まれ。1951年〜74年まで父の経営する印刷会社デ・ヨング社へ入り,デザイン・ディレクターとして活動。デザイン誌「Quadrat Print」発行。61〜64年ニューヨークのプラット・インスティテュートの招きで教授に就任。1966〜70年よりICOGRADA事務局長。オランダ・ADCを設立し会長に就任。1971年ディック・ブルーナと共同で,出版・著作権代理会社を設立。1988〜92年オランダの福利厚生文化省のデザイン公開委員。1991年よりAGI事務局長。
Born in 1931, The Netherlands. 1951-70 Design DIrector for the de Jong & Co. printery. 55-72: Publishes ‘Quadrats Print’, where he introduces the works of various designers. 1961-64, Teaches at Pratt institute in NY. 1964: Opens his own design studio, Form Mediation International. 1966-70: General secretary of ICOGRADA. 1968-71: President of ADC of the Netherlands. Many works and awards.
76 ボブ・ピーク Bob Peak
1972年,コロラド州のデンバー生まれ。カンザスのウィチタ州立大学,カリフォルニアのアートセンターカレッジで学んだ。ノーマン・ロックウェルらと並び20世紀のアメリカで最も有名なイラストレーターの一人。「Sports Illustrated」誌,「Time」誌をはじめ雑誌,テレビ,書籍,映画などで広く活躍。彼が描いた映画ポスターは広く知られており「地獄の黙示録」「マイ・フェア・レディ」「スーパーマン」など有名作を多々手掛けている。1992年没。
Born in 1927, Denver, Colorado. Studied at Wichita State University and Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles. One of America’s most prolific and respected illustrators and painters. His credits spread the gamut from fashion to sports, from postage stamps to fine art and through some of the most notable movie posters to have ever existed. His poster works include ‘Apocalypse Now’, ‘My Fair Lady’ and ‘Superman’. Died in 1992.
57 アルマンド・パエス・トレス Armando Paez Torres
Born in Argentine. He is a self-taught graphic artist. Starting as an illustrator and layout man, he lived in Brazil from 1937 to ’47, and again from 1952 to ’55, working for advertising agencies and publishing houses. He has also produced many book covers and jackets for the Hachette in Buenos Aires. He won a United Nation’s Poster Contest, a prize in the Festival del Libro Americano, and many others.
59 フレッチャー/フォーブス/ギル Fletcher/Forbes/Gill
In 1962, three graphic designers have combined to the strongest creative team in England. They are Alan Fletcher, Colin Forbes and an American, Bob Gill. All three have taught in the principal art schools of London and New York. Their clients include Pirelli Lid., British Broadcasting Corporation, London Airport, Penguin Books. Their works varied from one inch to full color national advertisements.
62 スタン・ステュベンバーグ Stan Stubenberg
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Studied at Art Center School, Los Angels, Colofornia. Two years with Honolulu ad agency. Freelanced for six years in Honolulu. Joined NBC in New York City in 1960.
63 フレッド・ミンツ Fred Mintz
Born in 1930, in Madison, Wisconsin. He attended Chouinard School of Art and Colt School of Art. He was formerly art director for Abbott Laboratories, account for Bert Ray Studio, Chicago, and has handled many free-lance accounts. He joined the Aeroscape Corporation in 1961, where he was active in security poster campaign.
67 ニール・フジタ S Neil Fujita
He is Japanese American. It was by the distinguished characteristics of his editorial and visual designs for the Saturday Evening Post when he first attracted the people’s attention in the industrial field. Later he was belong to Columbia Records as art director. The design of albums as an instrument of sales of records has set a new direction on the sales method of records. He also taught design at school.
68, 160ペギー・ホッパー
Pegge Hopper
She was born in Oakland, California, and studied at the Art Center College
of Design in Pasadena, California and worked for Raymond Loewy in New York
and Paris as a store mural designer. She moved to Hawaii in 1963 and became
art director for an advertising agency. In 1970 she began to paint and print
her distinctive Island women. Her gallery, located in the Chinatown section
of Honolulu, opened in 1983.
71 エティエーヌ・ドゥレセール Etienne Delessert
Born in Lausanne, Switzerland. Received classical education. After getting his B.A., entered the studio of Maurice and Nicole Maffei in Lausanne, with whom he worked for 3 years. This apprenticeship allowed him to become a graphic designer familiar with all aspect of advertising. In 1960 he produced his first film for Swiss Red Cross. After that he is active as illustrator on his own account.
72 アントニオ・モリリャス・ベルドゥーラ Antonio Morillas Verdura
Born in Barcelona, in 1932. He studied graphic art by himself. Began his career in graphic art in 1955 with Seix Y Barral. He set stages for several films and worked on murals. In 1961 he organized the graphics department of Publicidad Guitart and in 1963 established his own studio. He is a member of Grafistas Agupacion F.A.D.
73 オーブリー・ビアズリー Aubrey Beardsley
Born in Brighton, in 1872. He was a son of jeweler. When he was 19, he visited the studio of Sir Edward Burne-Jones, who recommend him to enter the West Minster School of Art. His main work was drawing of novels including ‘Morte d’ Arthur’ and ‘Salome’. But he was also art director of magazine, ‘Yellow Books’ and ‘The Savoy.’ In 1898, his lung disiese became bad and died when he was 25.
74 チャールス・ショア Charles Schorre
Born in U.S.A.. He was an art director, illustrator and photographer as free-lance. Also he was a member of many Society including Illustration, Watercolor and Typography. He joined the navy for WW2. After that he come back to school and graduated in 1948, and began to working as a advertising designer. He was famous for design but he has the very talent of drawing. dead in 1996.
77 グラフィックティーム Graphicteam
Established in 1964, in Köln. The four founders of this company, Hans Buschfert, Siegfried Himmer, Binfried Holz, Hainz Rippert, were born in the late period of 1930’s, and originally designer or photographer in Bayer AG. They worked in the field of commercial art, photography, design and publicity campaign as well.
78, 142 ヘルムート・シュミット
Helmut Schmidt
Born in Austria in 1942. He apprenticed as type compositer in Germany, and then studied under Emil Rude, Robert Büchler and Kurt Hauert at the Basel School of Design in Switzerland. He has worked in Sweden, Canada, Japan and Germany. He now designs in Osaka, Japan with the duality of informative and free form. He has been a contributor to the international typography journal, ‘Typographische Monatsblätter’ since 1967.
80 ジャンカルロ・マルキ Giancarlo Marchi
Studied his major art at Perugia Art School. After graduated from the school, he carried on his study not only in Italy, but also at various ad agencies, stores, firms in foreign countries, including a trip to Tokyo in 1961 to collaborate with Dentsu.
82 宇留河泰呂 Yasuro Urukawa
Born in Tokyo, 1901. He did not complete the course in French literature at Keio University but taught painting himself. In 1927 he went to France and won prise at French show. He soon got into activities as a commercial artist out there and worked for many fields as theaters, costume study institutes, etc. After returning Japan in 1937, he worked with Wakamoto Pharmaceutical Co., and Motion Picture Distribution Co., and became a free lancer in 1945.
93 木村恒久 Tsunehiusa Kimura
Born in Osaka, 1928. Graduated from Osaka City Kogei High School in 1948. After working for Toru Sawamura Studio, Yuasa Battery, entered Nippon Design Center in 1960. While his early works were of geometrical modern style, he shifted into photomontage from late ’60s under influence of John Hartfield. His works are known for their sarcastic style as well as those of cosmic. He is also know as critic with writings on advertisement and communication.
94 宇野亜喜良 Akira Uno
Born in Nagoya, 1934. Graduated from Nagoya City Industrial Arts High School in 1952. He won Grand Prix of JAAC exhibition 1956. In 1960, he entered Nippon Design Center, In 1964, he founded a design firm Ill Fill with Tadanori Yokoo and Tsunao Harada, but broke up in 1965. He founded his own studio Studio Re. His dark and romantic imagery were an icon of Japanese 60’s sub culture. He has been active in various fields like ad, illustration, fashion and thetar play ever.
99 和田誠 Makoto Wada
Born in Osaka, 1936. He was early interested in cartoons under influence of artists like Steinburg, Leupin and Savignac. He entered Tama Collage of Art and won grand prix for his poster design with collaboration with Koichiro Inagaki at the 1959 JAAC exhibition. In 1958, he entered Light Publicity, Inc. Since then he has won many awards from various design competitions while working in films, magazines and books. His simple and urban style has influenced many illustrators.
110, 177ドン・ウェラー
Don Weller
Born in Washington. He was influenced by Seymor Chwast and Milton Glaser and
decided to be a designer. After having the experiences at some design
offices he became free-lance designer in 1966 and then established his own
studio, Weller Institute for the Cure of Design. He designed advertising
poster, catalogue, calender and annual report. Also parallel to his design
business is his illustration career.
Richard Hess
Born in 1935. He studied fine art and philosophy at Michigan University. He started his career as an art director of J.Walter Thompson Advertising agency in 1955. He established Richard Hess Inc. in ユ65. He designed Pepsi, New York Times, Esquire, toys and trademarks. In 1967 he worked for Vista magazine as an art director.
Frederic H.K. Henrion
He was born in Nuremberg, Germany, emigrated to England in 1939 and adopted British nationality in ユ46. He studied in Paris with Paul Colin and between 1936 till ユ39 when he worked in Paris and London, designing posters, packaging and exhibitions. He was a pioneer of Corporate Identity in Britain and has been instrumental in many successful campaigns. His work often uses elements of photomontage and collage. Died in 1990.
115 G+Aデザイン・スタジオ
Gotthschalk + Ash Design Studio
Fritz Gottschalk born in Zurich and Stuart Ash born in Ontalio established Gotthschalk + Ash Design Studio in 1966. They have offices in Montreal and Tronto. They designed CI, exhibition, posters and package. Since they are originated from sound thoughts and structures in Switzerland, they enjoy gaining high reliability from every clients.
Barbara Nessim
Illustrator. Born in New York in 1939. After she graduated from Highschool of Art & Design, she entered Pratt Institute. In 1960 she started to work as an illustrator. Her philosophy of creation is ヤOne picture is worth 1000 words.ユ She contributed her illustrations to many magazines, advertisement and TV commercial . Her subtle line and sense of color attracted peopleユs eyes.
Otto Treumann
Born in Fürth, Germany in 1919. In 1935 he moved to Holland. In 1945 he opened his studio in Amsterdam and started his career as a free-lance graphic designer. Following are his main design activities: House Style for university, corporation, museum and architecture association. Also he designed the posters for Utrecht International Trade Fair, and Postal Bureau and the catalogues and books. He was Chairman of GKF graphic designers association from 1955 till 1967.
Marvin Mattelson
He is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and attended the Philadelphia College of Art. After graduation, he set up his own studio in New York in 1970 and then he worked as a free-lance illustrator for the magazines and advertisiment. His illustrations appeared in many magazines, ヤLook,ユヤ New York Times,ユヤ Saturday Reviewユ and ヤNational Lampoon,ユ stressing his concept with his humor, satire and visual contradiction.
Piero Fornasetti
Born in Milan, Italy. He was influenced by Neoclassic and Baroque and started to design the furniture. He is known as sculputure, interior decorator and organiser of art exhibition. In the end of 40s he started to design trompe lユoeil for the furniture and established his reputation. Died in 1988.
Charlie White
Born in California in 1940. He is an illustrator who calls himself as ヤpage decorator and entertainer-on-paper.ユ After working as free-lance illustrator for several years in Los Angels, he moved to New York and set up his own studio, White House Studio in 1969. Famous works includes the posters, ヤZonkersユ Miracle Concertユ (1971) and ヤSistine Chapel Floorユ (1972), which were designed for ヤNational Lampoon.ユ
Frieder Grindler
Born in Berlin in 1941. Since 1966 he had been art director at Television Division of South German Broadcasting, Stuttgart. He began his cooperation with the T歟ingen Chamber Theatre in 1968. Since then he has worked almost exclusively for cultural institutions. The phogography is, to him, the best means to represent the reality and at the same time that to objectify it. So he has done almost every work with photomontage technique.
Erberto Carboni
Born in Parma, Italia in 1899. He started his career as an architect. After WWII he worked as a graphic designer, designing display of exhibition and advertisement, too. After his long experience in architecture and graphic design, he changed his direction to painting. His representative writings include ヤEsposizione a Mostreユ with foreword by Herbert Bayer and ヤLa Grecia in sognoユ presented by Jean Cocteau. Died in 1984.
Barton Kramer
Born in New York in 1932. He graduated from Royal College of Art. In 1967 he moved to Canada and set up his own studio, Kramer Design Associates Limited, Tront Canada. In 1978 he was assigned to be a professor teaching design and typograhy at Ontario College of Art. His experiences in Switzerland is reflected in his intellective design of the posters, magazines, trademarks and annual reports.
Charles Goslin
He graduated from Rhode Island School of Design with the degree of BFA in 1954 and he assisted Lester Beall till ユ58 and then he started to manage his own design studio. His clients includes Chase Manhattan Bank, IBM, Metropolitan Museum, Macmillan Publishers, Phizer Inc and so on. He was assigned to Chairman of the Communication Design Department, Pratt Institute.
Haruo Miyauchi
He left Kuwasawa Design School in 1965 and started his career as a free-lance illustrator. In 1968 he entered Nippon Design Center. He moved to Canada in 1970 and held his exhibition in Tront and Montreal. In 1971 he joined Pushpin Studio and had experiences under Milton Glaser. He contributed his illustration for ヤTimeユ and ヤNew Yorkユ for the first time as a Japanese illustrator. Currently he works as a ceramist, too.
Pentagram Design Partnership Limited
Pentagram formed in 1972 is basically a consortium between the Crosby/Fletcher/Forbes design office and the industrial design practice of Kenneth Grande. Pentagram developed to have 5 offices internationally, London, New York, San Francisco, Austin and Berlin right now. Pentagram designs for architecture, CI, package and interior.
Herb Lubalin
Born in New York in 1918 and graduated from the Cooper Union in 1939. As an editorial designer, he was responsible for the ヤSaturday Post,ユ ヤEros,ユ ヤPactユ and ヤAvant Garde.ユ The magazine provided Lubalin with a consistent platform for his creative ideas. He was the editorial design director for the International Typeface Corporationユs promotional journal, ヤU&Lユ which had a profound influence on type design and the type industry in the 70s and 80s. Died in 1981.
Cato, Hibberd, Hawskby Design Pty Ltd.
Established by Ken Cato and Terry Hibberd in 1970, working in areas of packaging, corporate image development and publishing. The company name changed to Cato Hibberd Hawksby Design Pty Ltd with the addition of a third partner, Ian Hawksby who was appointed in 1973 to work in areas of store design, construction and product design. The company is based in Melbourne Australia, working for clients throughout the country as well as internationally.
130, 146, 174五十嵐威暢
Takenobu Igarashi
Born in Hokkaido in 1944. After graduating from Tama Art University, moved to America. He graduated from graduate school of UCLA. In 1970 he established his own office, Igarashi Studio. Since 1975 he had had lecture in UCLA for a year. He has been engaged in the fields such as graphic, product and sculpture. His representative works are a series of disign of MoMAユs calender, CI of Calpis, Suntory and Meiji Dairies Cooporation.
Total Design
In 1963 Total Design was established by Wim Crouwel, Friso Kramer and Benno Wissing in Amsterdam. Total Design covered or bordered on the fields of architecture (interior and exterior), industrial design, echitibions, graphic presentation and visual communication and offered clients a complete design service to develop corporte identity programs. Recently Total Design changed its name into Total Identity.
Christian Piper
Born in Germany in 1941. After he graduated from Volkwangschule f殲 Gestaltung in Essen he contributed his illustrations to Germany magazine, ヤTWEN.ユ Also he designed dramaユs poster and TV animation. In 1972 he moved to America and joined Push Pin Studio. He says ヤI do not consider any of my illustration as such, but rather see them as pictures in the general sense regardless of their content and/or technique.ユ
Katsumi Asaba
Born in Kanagawa in 1940. He had apprenticeship at Keinosuke Sato Typography Studio for 5 years since 1959. He entered Light Publicity in 1964. He set up his own studio, Katsumi Asaba Design Room in 1975. Currently he works as an art director. Also he is attracted to the various letter forms in Asia and pursue the relationship between letter and visual communication.
Miriam Wosk
Born in Bancouver and graduated from University of British Columbia. She contributed her illustrations to many magazines such as ヤEsquire,ユ ヤMadomoiselle,ユ ヤNew York Times.ユ She is belong to Board of Directors Santa Monica Museum. She resides in Los Angels now.
Michael Doret
Born in New York. After he graduated from Cooper Union in 1967, he experienced working at many companies as a designer or art director. His main challenge in design is the pursuit of lettering in graphic. By 1972 he got many clients such as ヤEsquire,ユ ヤNational Lampoon,ユ Atlantic Record, Columbia Record.
Michael Oユneill
Born in 1947. Photographer.
Isao Nishijima
Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1923. He became free-lance graphic designer in 1947. He loved his hometown, Fukuoka and called himself ヤDesigner of Fukuoka.ユ His posters on place in Kyushu won many awards. You can easily find the wall paintings and monuments designed by him on strolling around Fukuoka.
Robert Giusti
Born in Z殲ich, Switzerland and grew up in New York. He received his degree from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. After having experiences as an art director at publishing company, in 1973 he became free-lance illustrator in the areas of editorial illustration, book cover design and illustration, record covers, television promotional illustration, logo, letterhead and advertisement.
島根県生まれ。東京芸術大学油画科卒業。西武百貨店宣伝部デザインルーム嘱託などを経て1967年に,フリーランスのイラストレーターとして活動を始める。1969年にオープンしたパルコの広告イラストを手掛ける。以後,数多くパルコのポスターを制作し続けた。2000年は,LOEWEの秋冬キャンペーンをMario TestinoとNYのa│r社と制作。
Harumi Yamaguchi
Born in Shimane. She studied oil painting at Tokyo University of Art. She became free-lance illustrator in 1967 after working at the publicity division of Seibu department store. Since then she has been involved in the ad of Parco, department store. In 2000 she created the visual of LOEWE Autumn/Winter collection with Mario Testino and a|r company in NY.
Takeo Yao
Born in Tokyo in 1931. He graduated from Art Faculty of Tokyo University of Education (currently Tsukuba University). In 1962 he established YAO packaging lnstitute. He was assigned to be a representative of International Package Design Comitteeユs Japan branch and contributed to the development of packaging design, through leading students from abroad and introducing packaging design internationally in his books . Died in 1994.
Pino Tovaglia
He designed the magazines, ヤPirelli,ユ ヤRaiユ and ヤLe Artiユ as an art director for Pirelli from 1958 till ユ73. Making full use of various modes of expression, he greatly contributed to the good reputation of Pirelli advertisement. Since 1973 he created many modern art works as well as designing logo, picture book, TV commercial, calender, books and posters.
Richard Mantel
Born in 1941 in Ohio. He studied fine art at Pratt Institute and graduated in 1963. After working as an art director of ヤNew Yorkユ magazine, became a designer of Dick Hess. Since then he art-directed Columbia Record, Atlantic Record and CTI record. He designs not only sleeve design but book cover and magazine.
Toon Michiels (Total Design)
Born in Boxtel, Netherland in 1950. He studied at Royal Academy of Art & Design, ユs-Hertogenbosch from 1968 till ユ73. He calls himself ヤImage Collectorユ and collects so many materials, not being sartisfied with readymade typeface and color, and create original and unique posters and logo design. He works as a photographer, too.
1934年名古屋市に生まれる。愛知学芸大学美術科卒業(現愛知教育大学)後、U.S.ASIATIC Co.,Ltd./NEW YORK SHAFFORD Co.Ltd.に陶磁器デザイナーとして入社。1968年岡本滋夫デザイン事務所設立。以来,名古屋を中心に活動し続けている。現在,名古屋造形芸術大学教授。
Shigeo Okamoto
Born in Nagoya in 1934. After graduating from the university, he entered U.S.ASIATIC Co.,Ltd./NEW YORK SHAFFORD Co.Ltd. as a pottery designer. He set up his own studio, Shigeo Okamoto Design Studio in 1968. He has been working mainly in Nagoya. Currently he is a professor of Nagoya Zokei University.
1920年,大阪生まれ。百貨店の宣伝部を経て,1959年に日本デザインセンター創設に参加。亀倉雄策,原弘,田中一光らと共に,グラフィックデザイナーとしてポスターや広告,ブックデザインなど多岐にわたる活躍をした。1973年,自身のデザイン事務所「R」を設立。1985年,科学万博つくば ユ85のポスターのアートディレクションを行う。1997年没。
Ryuichi Okamoto
Born in Osaka in 1920. He joined the establishment of Nippon Design Center in 1959. He designed the posters, advertisiment and books as a graphic designer, working with Yusaku Kamekura, Hiromu Hara and Tanaka Ikko. In 1973 he founded his own studio, R. In 1985 he worked for the poster of The International Exposition, Tsukuba as an art director. Died in 1997.
John McConnell
Born in London in 1939. He graduated from Maidstone College of Art. He entered advertising market in London in 1959. After working as a free-lance designer, he became business associate of Pentagram in 1974. His designed for the posters of Clarks and Face Inprint, Penguin Books.
John Collier
He started his career as an assistant art director for an advertising agency; during this time, he met some of the foremost illustrators in the field, and wasw inspired to change the direction of his career. He began working as a freelance illustrator, developing an impressive client list over the years, including the NFL, New York City Ballet, ヤThe New Yorker,ユ ヤRolling Stone,ユ Mobil Corporation, Ralph Lauren, ヤNewsweek,ユ ヤTime,ユ Atlantic Records, Franklin Library, and many others.
Wolfgang Weingart
Born in 1941 in Germany, completed his typesetting apprenticeship in hand composition in 1963. He has taught typography at the Basel School of Design since 1968. For the last 30 years he has lectured and taught extensively in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. He is represented in the permanent collections of museums and private galleries, and has received design awards from the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs. His experimental work in typography has influenced the course of design in the last decades of the twentieth century.
Jan Rajlich
Born in Czechoslovakia in 1920. From 1939 to ユ44 he studied at the Skolaumeni, a private school of the well-known Betaユs concern in Zlin. Having changed several occupations he finally settled in Brno in 1950 as a free-lance designer and a painter. He has worked for a number of various clients such as artistic associations, cultural institutions and the former state enterprise for organising fairs and exhibitions and created the posters, logo and pictgram for them. He is often invited to participate as juryman in major international exhibitions, e.g. in Bologna, Brno, Paris, Warsaw, Vienna etc..
Kenzo Nakagawa
Born in Osaka in 1947. After working at the department store as an ad designer, Takashimaya, he became free-lance designer. He moved to Tokyo to enter Nippon Design Center in 1975. He designed mainly the advertising poster of Isetan. Then he set up his own studio, NDC Graphics. Currently he is a president of NDC Graphics.
Kazuhiko Ohta
Born in Peking in 1946. After working at the publicity division of Shiseido, he became free-lance graphic designer. He received awards of Tokyo ADC, Asahi Advertising Award and International Triennial of Poster in Toyama. Recently He engages in book cover design and editorial design. Also he energetically works as a writer of Japanese classic movies, bar and travelling.
Born in Michigan in 1941. He studied the technique of making comic at Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. Then studied design at Institute of Design. He started his career as an art director but changed his direction to illustrator. His illustration in which some factors in comic expression are used are hyper-realistic and human.
Mick Haggerty
Born in London in 1948. He graduated from Royal College of Art in 1971. After graduation he became free-lance designer in London. In 1973 he went to America as vacation but he decided to live in. In 1975 he founded his own studio, Art Attack. His clients are record company and publication company.
Toshihiro Katayama
Born in Osaka in 1928. Due to WWII and the desolate situation in Japan, he became a self-taught artist and designer, who began working at age 17. In 1963, he became Art Director for the Swiss corporation Geigy. After three years in Europe, he received an invitation to teach and design at Harvardユs Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts. Currently he is professor of the Practice of Graphic Design at Harvard University, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies.
Deborah Sussman
Born in Brookryn, New York. She studied at Bart College, the Institute of Design in Chicago. Art director in Charles and Ray Eamesユs office, 50s and 60s. She opened her own office in 1968 and established Sussman/Prejza & Co., Inc. in 1980 with her husband. Experiences working with architects and interest in the ヤpublic arts.ユ Photographing during her traval to many countries led to involvement with environmental design.
Jayme Odgers
He started his career as an artdirector and graphic designer. In 1972 he started to work as a phogographer, too. He has been honored with many awards of excellence in design, including Gold and Silver Awards, and an international silver Typomundus Award for excellence in typography. Odgers, who has taught and lectured around the world, has work in the permanent collection of the Smithsonianユs Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
Seitaro Kuroda
Born in Osaka in 1939. He entered Yoshio Hayakawa Design Office in 1961. He founded the design office, K2 with Hironori Nagatomo in 1969. Not only working as an illustrator but producing movie, planning of TV program and compering. Since 1990 he has designed the posters of One Korea Festival and the sticker of the radio station, FM802 in Osaka.
Jan Sawka
Born in Zabrze, Poland in 1946. He studied at the Wroclaw Polytechnic Institute and Fine Arts Academy. In 1976 he left Poland for Paris, (where his passport was revoked), then settled in New York in 1977. He won prize at several poster biennials which was held in such as Warsaw, Brno, Colorado, Lahti. In 1999 he designed sets, posters and so on for rock band, The Grateful Dead.
Stephan Kantscheff
Graphic Designer in Bulgaria. He designed for the posters of Bulgarian TV and Radio Broadcasting Committee, trademarks of institutes and offices, postage stamps, CI of publishing company and diploma of national institute. His design penetrated so deeply peopleユs way of life that they perceived as a part of peopleユs life. He played the important role as a pioneer of contemporary design in Bulgaria.
Yukio Kanise
Born in Kyoto in 1934. He graduated from Kanazawa Technical College. After graduation he entered Maki Design Office and he became free-lance designer. He designed graphic and package for Mitsubishi Electric Company, Japan Shipownersユ Association, Japan Travel Bureau. He is representative of his own studio, Kanise Design Office now. His recent works are logo of Sun Shine Aqualium and Kashima Lease.
Murray Tinkelman
Born in Brooklyn New York in 1933. He studied at Cooper Union Art School and Brooklyn Art School. His love to Rodeo can be seen in the way of his illustration in which the delicacy of realistic crosshatch pen drawing and country mood around him are mixed up. He is also an expert of photograph and published the photo book about Rodeo. Currently he is a professor of Art at Syracuse University.
Ryo Urano
Born in Manchuria and moved back to Tokyo in 1946. He graduated from Tama Fine Arts University in 1967 with B.F.A. in visual arts and graphic design. He worked with Takashi Konoユs Deska in Tokyo, then with Henry Steinerユs Graphic Communication Ltd. He then accepted an offer from Clarence Lee in Honolulu to become an associate designer in 1970. Formed Urano Design, Inc. in 1977 in Honolulu. Member of Artists and Art Directors Club, Ad Infinitum.
1941年,上海生まれ。1965年,ライトパブリシティに入社し,ロゴデザインを中心に仕事をする。その後,ハーブ・ルバーリンの招きで1972年に渡仏,パリのルバーリン・デルピール社で6年間ロゴタイプやカリグラフィのスペシャリストとして参画。その後パリでフリーとして活躍し帰国。1979年にデザインハウス・ミウラを設立し,現在に至る。企業のCI,ロゴ ,書体,ピクトグラム,書籍などのデザインに携わる。
Kohei Miura
Born in Shanghai in 1941. In 1965 he entered Light Publicity and working mainly in designing logo. Then he was invited to move to Paris by Herb Lubalin. He participated in some projects as a specialist of logo type and calligraphy at Lubalineユs office for 6 years. After moving back to Japan he set up his own studio, Design House Miura. He has been involved in designing CI, logo, font, pictgram and book now.
James McMullan
Born in Tsingtao, Shantung province, China in 1934. He grew up in China, India and Canada. He earned his B.F.A. degree from Pratt Institute. After he graduated he started his own career as an illustrator and has become one of the best-known illustrators in America. His famous works include the cover illustration of ヤNew Yorkユ magazine and the animation for TV program, ヤDecemebr 25, 1914.ユ
April Greiman
Born in 1948. After completing studies with Wolfgang Weingart at the Basel School of Design, she moved first to New York and then to Los Angels. She is internationally known with work which in the 70s and early 80s helped to define the West Coasts ヤNew Waveユ style in graphics and architecture and interiors.
Walter Allner
Designer, typographer and painter. Born in 1909. He was trained at the Bauhaus where he studied with masters Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Joost Schmidt. He was the Paris editor of ヤGraphisユ magazine from 1945 to ユ48 and in ユ49 emigrated to America. Allner was an influential art director at ヤFortuneユ magazine from 1963 to ユ74.
Anton Stankowski
Born in Gelsenkirchen, Germany in 1906 and spent the term of apprenticechip aa painter and decorator in Gelsenkirchen and D殱seldorf. During 1937 to 1948 he underwent military service and was held as prison-of-war in Russia. In 1951 he became independent graphic designer and designed the symbol and mark for many companies. His books include ヤFunction and Its Presentation in Advertising Arts,ユ ヤCompanies – Image – Advertising Elements, Mark Typography, Compact Advertising,ユ and so on, which influenced many desingers. Died in 1998.
Michael Vanderbyl
He has gained international prominence in the design field as a practitioner, educator, critic and adovocate. Since being established in San Francisco in 1973, his firm Vandarbyl Design has evolved into a multi-disciplinary studio with expertise in graphics, packaging, signage, interiors, showrooms, furniture, textiles and fashion apparel.
Gene Hoffman
Born in Pennsylvania in 1933. He taught himself design and worked as an art director at the advertising agency untill 1954. After then he moved to Colorado. He is reconciling works of CM to his own creative art. His art pieces are assemblage composed of thrown away bottles, buttons, broken parts of scrapped cars and leather.
George Hardie
Born in England in 1944. He studied at Saint Martinユs School of Art and the Royal College of Art, London. Since around 1970 he has worked with his partners Bob Lawrie, Bush Hollyhead and Malcom Harrison at NTA Studios in London. He designed the record jacket and advertisement of Pink Floyd and Stir Donユt Shake and menu in the restaurant. He has been a professor of the department of graphic design of Brighton University since 1990.
Burton Kramer
In 1967, he founded, Kramer Design Associates, and has been involved in the design of corporate identity, brochures, books, packaging and exhibition design. Burton Kramer’s work has been enjoyed by Canadians from coast to coast. Kramer has been responsible for well known and influential work like designing symbol of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. These days, Kramer is morphing his talents as a designer into a more artistic endeavour, painting.
Ryszard Horowitz
Born in Krakow, Poland in 1939. He studied art at the High School of Fine Arts and then went on to major in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. In 1959 he moved to New York and entered Pratt Institute. While a student at Pratt Institute he had the extreme good fortune of being granted scholarship with Alexey Brodovitch and Richard Avedon. After he graduated he worked for a number of film and design companies and as an art director for Grey Advertising. In 1967 he set up his own studio.
Bright & Associates
Bright & Assiciates was founded by Keith Bright in 1978. Soon after its establishement it designed for the local companies mainly but it developed as international design firm. It designs CI, package and environmental design. A series of design of Los Angels Olympic held in 1984 were done by Bright & Associates.
Tom Curry
Born in Texas in 1945. He entered North Texas State University and studied adversising art and graduated in 1968. After then he moved to Huston and started to work as a production artist and designer at an advertising agency. Having had experienced various experiences, he changed his direction to free-lance illustrator. He contributed to ヤTexas Monthlyユ magazine, Huston city and advertising agencies. In 1983 he set up his own studio, Curry and Associates.
Miro Malish
Born in Czechoslovakia in 1944. He attended Bratislava School of Ceramics, as well as two-year apprenticeship in graphic printing in Blatislava, Czechoslovakia. In 1968 he emigrated to Canada. He held a number of solo and group exhibitions in Canada. He contributed his illustrations to many magazines such as ヤCanadian Business,ユ ヤCommunication Arts Annual,ユ ヤSaturday Night,ユ ヤEsquire,ユ ヤRolling Stonesユ and so on.
Enzo Messi+Urs Schmidt
Enzo Messi was born in Lugano in 1957. He graduated from the school of art, Lausanne where he studied graphic design in 1981. Urs Schmidt was born in Basel in 1958. he graduated from School of Visual Arts, New York in 1980. After they graduated they started an illustration and design studio with Urs Schmidt in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1981. Their illustrations were made from their collaboration.
198, 202河原敏文
Toshifumi Kawahara
Born in Kyoto in 1950. Received an M.A. from the Art and Design Department of UCLA. While at UCLA, he also worked as a teaching assistant in the field of video and computer graphics. After graduating and returning to Japan, he worked for Takenobu Igarashi Design studio, and then founded his own design office. He was pioneer in the field of CG in Japan and created many TVCM and CG in TV program. Currently he is the president of Polygon Pictures Inc.
1938年,満州生まれ。1961年,東京芸術大学を卒業。その後,高島屋宣伝部へ入社し,佐野寛,前野洋一,上条喬久と仕事をする。1965年にプラット・インスティテュートでコミュニケーション・デザインを修了しCBSへ入社。1970年に独立。シティバンク,スイス航空,モービル社といったクライアントの仕事を手掛ける。1973年にニューヨーク・シーグラムビルの一室にKIYOSHI KANAI, INC.を設立し現在に至る。
Kiyoshi Kanai
Born in Manchuria in 1938. In 1961 he graduated from Tokyo University of Art and then entered the design division of Takashimaya. After having experiences to work with Hiroshi Sano, Yoichi Maeno and Takahisa Kamijo he went to California Arts and Crafts in 1964. In 1965 he graduated from Pratt Institute with B.F.A in communications design and entered CBS. In 1970 he became free-lance designer. His list of clients includes Citibank, Swissair, Mobil Oil Company. He established his own studio, KIYOSHI KANAI, INC. in 1973.
広告代理店数社でアートディレクターとして働いた後,1970年にマドリッドで独立して,ビジュアル・コミュニケーション,特にCIを専門にするようになった。1985年にモントリオールへ移住したのを契機に,仕事の幅を広げ新たにメディナ・デザイン事務所を設立した。受賞歴はロスアンゼルスADC,ニューヨークTDC, コミュニケーション・アート・アニュアルなど。
Fernand Medina
After working as art director in various advertising agencies, he set up his own practice in Madrid in 1970, devoting his energies to visual communication and, more particularly, corporate identity programs. In 1985 he moved to Montreal, which afforded a wider scope to his activities, and opened his own office, Medina Design. He has received awards from the Art Directorsユ Club of Los Angels, the Type Directorsユ Club of New York, and ヤCommunications Art Annual.ユ
Shin Matsunaga
Born in Tokyo in 1940. In 1964 he graduated from Tokyo University of Art. After working at the advertising division of Shiseido, he became free-lance designer and established his own studio, Shin Matsunaga Design Office in 1971.
Alan Chan
Born in Hong Kong in 1950. After working at the advertising agency for 10 years, he taught himself design. He received 500 awards from NYADC, D&AD and so on. In 1980 he set up his own studio, Alan Chan Design Office with her wife, Sandra. He designed CI, brand identity, package and product. His works are the integration of West and East, which are translated into contemporary design.
Alan Peckolick
Born in New York in 1940. He graduated from Pratt Institute. After working as an art director at McCann Erickson & Kenyon Eckhardt for several years he joined Herb Lubalinユs newly opened studio in 1964, as Herb Lubalinユs assistant. He established his own design group, Peckolick & Partners in 1986 and designed posters, annual reports, package and CI. He has achieved international recognition for his elegantly designed and executed typefaces.
Ryohei Kojima
Born in Iwate in 1939. He graduated from the faculty of commercial design of Musashino Art Junior College in 1961. After working at the publicity division of Ginza Sanai, he entered Light Publicity in 1963. In 1975 he set up his own studio, Ryohei Kojima Design Office. He is involved in public design, environmental design and CI.
ジェローム・オーディン J屍冦e Oudin
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戸田正寿 Masatoshi Toda
Born in 1948 in Fukui. After working for Takashimaya Department Store Advertising Dept and Nippon Design Center, set up Toda Studio in 1976. He was a member of the international committee for the Lahti Poster Boennial. His many awards include the Asahi Advertising Grand Prix, the Lahti International Poster Biennial Grand Prix ** and many others.
ドメニク・ガイスビューラー Domenic Geissb殄ler
Attended school in Winterthur and Z殲ich. Training as commercial artist at the Kusntgeverbeschule Z殲ich under Ernst Keller and Johannes Itten. Art director in an international advertising agency. Independent since 1963. His design many poster works for Operas and theatre performances with numerous awords.
趙 英濟 Young Jae Cho
ソウル大学で教鞭を執るかたわら、Cho Design and Research(1973年)、CDR(Coordinating Dreams and Reality)(1989年)を設立し、デザイン活動を展開。 韓国のビジュアルコミュニケーション、インダストリアルデザインの指導者的存在としてソウル五輪をはじめとする数々の大型プロジェクトを手がける。
Professor of the Seoul University. Graduated from Art dept of the Seoul University. Founded Cho Design and Research in 1973 and CDR(Coordinating Dreams and Reality) in 1989. As a leading designer in Korea, he has been concerned with many projects including Seoul Olympic Games.
佐藤晃一 Koichi Sato
Born in 1944 in Takasaki. Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in visual design in 1969. He began to work as a free-lance designer after working for the advertising department of Shiseido Co .,Ltd. He was highly evaluated for his peculiar expression which consists of the fusion of Japanese tradition and futuristic senses.**
葛西薫 Kaoru Kasai
Born in Sapporo, in 1949. He worked at Bunka Printing Co., Ltd. and Otani Design Laboratory, and now working at Sun-Ad Co,.Ltd. He is art director of many CMs:including メSantory Oolong teaモ(ヤ82-), Sony audio(ヤ79-82), メSeibu Department Storeモ(ヤ86-ユ92). And he is advertising art director (and title work) of some ゙lms: including メPhantom Lightモ(ヤ95) and メAfter Lifeモ(99).
ダッフィー・デザイン・グループ The Duffy Design Group
Started in 1984 by Joe Duffy and the partners of Fallon McElligott advertising. A highly acclaimed design firm recognized around the world for their work for such brands as Ameritech, Giorgio Armani, Black & Decker, Chaps/Ralph Lauren, Coca-Cola, Jaguar, Jim Beam, Lee Jeans, Minute MaidTM, Timex, and brands of The Stroh Brewery CompanyTM.
青葉益輝 Masuteru Aoba
Born in Tokyo, in 1939. He graduated from the Kuwasawa Design School in 1962. In 1969, he established the Masuteru Aoba Design Of゙ce, where he continues to work today. Awards he has recieved include the Asahi Advertising Award, the Mainichi Advertising Design Award, the second place at the Finland International Graphic Design Biennial, and many others.
アラン・ル・ケルネ Alain Le Quernec
Born in 1944 in Brittany. Since ヤ62 he started poster design on his own and since ヤ71 had learned under Henryk Tomaszewski for 9 months. In ヤ72 he came back to Brittany. While teaching painting for children, he has been active in graphic design mainly concerning cultural, social or political messages. He has recieved many awards including the Gold Prize in the International Poster Biennale in Mexico.
ソール・バス Saul Bass
Born in N.Y. in 1929. He was a proprietor of Saul Bass/Herb Yager & Assoc., and graphic designer and ゙lm director. He designed numerous corporate identities and packages. He designed graphic symbols of over 60 motion pictures, including メBonjour Tristesseモ,モThe Shiningモ and create over 40 motion picture titles including メNorth by Northwestモ.モPsycoモ. He was also director of feature ゙lm and as that he recieved many prizes. Died in 1996 when he was 75.
デュサン・カーレイ Dusan K�lay
Born in Bratislava in 1948. Between 1966 and 72 he studied at the Applied Art School of Bratislava, where he majored free-graphic, illustration for books and design painting. Now he is active in Bratislava and his mainfield is graphics, painting and exlibris. . He has made exhibitions abroad and he has received many awards, among which the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen medal in 1988.
グンター・ランボー Gunter Rambow
Born in Mecklenburg in 1938. Trained to be glass painter at the National Technical School of Hadamar(ヤ55-58). After studying free and applied graphics at the Fine Arts of Kassel(ヤ58-63), he was a professor at the Comprehensive College of Kassel(ヤ74) and at the University in Kassel(ヤ87). Now he is a professor at Staatliche Hochschule fuer Gestaltung Karlsruhe.
ヘンリー・ウルフ Henry Wolf
Born in Vienna in 1925. He went to U.S. and was belong to U.S.Army for 3 years, and later become an art director of ヤEsquireユ(ヤ52), ヤHarperユs Bazaarユ(ヤ58), ヤShow Magazineユ(ヤ61). In ヤ66 he was a Executive V.P/creative director of Trahey/Wolf Advertising. In ヤ71 he established Henry Wolf Productions, which deal with Photography, Film and Design. Since ヤ54 he taugt メschool of visual artモ at Cooper Union.
永井一正 Kazumasa Nagai
Born in Osaka in 1929. In 1951 he withdrew from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where he majored in sculpture. In 1960 he participated in organaizing the Nippon Design Center. On two occasions his designs were selected in competitions to serve as the official marks of major national events: the Sapporo Winter Olympic Games in 1966 and the Okinawa International Ocean Exposition in 1972. Now he is working mainly on posters.
ミルトン・グレイザー Milton Glaser
Born in 1929 in New York City. He studied at the Cooper Union Art School and later attended the Academy of Fine Arts, Bologna, Italy. He was a catalyst and guiding force for the establishment of the enormously influential Pushpin Studios in 1954, and New York Magazine in 1968 and in 1983 to form WBMG. He deal with the logotype of メI♥NYモ and for others and is active in many fields.
オルガー・マチス Holger Matthies
Born in Hamburg. Apprenticeship of color-lithograph from 1957 to ヤ61. In 1961 and ヤ62 studied at the Works School of Art. From 1962 to ヤ66, attended University of Formative Art in Hamburg. Worked since 1966 as freelance Graphic Designer. In 1969/70 and 1984/84 he was guest professor at Hamburg University of Design. He served as judge at the International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, Lahti, Colorado and Toyama.
ヘンリー・スタイナー(石漢瑞) Henry Steiner
Born in 1934 in Vienna, raised in New York, and educated at Hunter College, Yale University and Sorbonne. He founded Graphic Communication Ltd. in Hong Kong in 1964. Under his directorship the company has become one of the leading world wide design consultancies, producing annual reports, corporate identity programs and packaging. His works has exerted a marked influence in design in Asia.
シーモア・クワスト Seymour Chwast
Born in New York City and he is guraduate of Cooper Union, where he studied illustration and graphc design. He is a founding partner of the celebrated Push Pin Studios and now avtive as a director. He has received many design awards, is the recipient of the coveted St. Gauden ヤs Medal from Cooper Union, is AIGA Gold Medalist. Now he is teaching at the Cooper Union Art School.
ホセ・プラ=ナルボナ Josep Pla-Narbona
Born in Barcelona in 1928. He trained in Art, lithography and engraving at the Barcelona Art and Craft School. He worked in Paris and Zrich.In 1961 he was appointed Professor of Advertising Plastic Art at Massana school, and founded the first spanish association of designers the ADG-FAD which he was elected THE First Chairman.
ヤン・レニツァ Jan Lenica
Born in 1928 in Poznan, Poland. He studied architecture in the Technical University of Warsaw, working at the same time for a popular satirical magazine メSzpilkiモ (メPinsモ). He moved to Paris and later to the U.S.A. where in 1974 he became a professor at the Harvard University in Cambridge. In 1979 he was the head of animated films department at the University of Kassel. At present he lives and works in Berlin, where from 1986 to 94 he gave lectures at Hochschule der Kunste.
田中一光 Ikko Tanaka
Born in Nara in 1930 and graduated from Kyoto City School of Fine Arts in 1951. After working at The Nippon Design Center Inc. he became president of the Ikko Tanaka Design Studio in 1963. Since 1973, he has been active as the art director for the Seibu Saison Groupe. He recieved the Silver Prize of Warsaw International Poster Biennial, the Gold Prize of New York ADC,and many others. Died in 2002.
アイヴァン・チャマイエフ Ivan Chermayeff
Born in London in 1932. He is a past president of the AIGA, Yale Committee on Art and Architecture, and the Harvard University Board of Overseas Committee on Visual and Environmental Studies. He was a trustee of the MoMA for 20 years. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the IDCA, the Board Trustees of the New School for Social Research, a National Trustee of the Smithsonian Institution and AGI.
ヴァルデマル・シヴェジ Waldemar Swierzy
Born in 1931 in Katowice. Studied at the Katowice Branch of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Since then he has been active in graphic and poster design. Currently He is a teacher in Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan and Warsaw and member of AGI. Works in posters, books design, illustration. He recieved Toulouse-Lautrec Grand Prix, the first prize of International Biennale of the Arts in Sao Paulo and many others.
福田繁雄 Shigeo Fukuda
Born in Tokyo in 1932. Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Musuc. In 1969 he created the official poster for Osaka World Exposition. He recieved the Gold Prize at the International Poster Biennial in Warsaw, the First Prize at the International Poster Biennial in Moscow and so on. Now he is a member of AGI and visiting professor of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
ミシェル・ブーヴェ Michel Bouvet
Born in 1955, Michel Bouvet is a prominent French graphic artist who held exhibitions around the world and won numerous awards for his design work. Currently, Bouvet is a professor at the ESAG (Ecole superieure des arts graphiques) in Paris.
ロスマリー・ティッシィ Rosmarie Tissi
Born in 1937 in Schaffhausen. Now lives in Z殲ich. After a preliminary course at the School of Design in Z殲ich. she completed a 4 year graphic design apprenticeship. She has been a member of the AGI since 1974 and of the N.Y.ADC since 1992. Since 1968, she shared a studio with Siegfried Odermatt. They work in a big room divided by partitions, without assistants and machinery.
横尾忠則 Tadanori Yokoo
He was born in 1936 in Nishiwaki in Hyogo Prefecture. In the 1950s he began working as a graphic designer. In the middle of the 60s he created his own original style, a blend of Japanese ethnicity and Kitsch. In the 70s his works took a new direction, reflecting his interest in the spiritual world. Since 1981, he has mainly worked as a painter and has energetically produced his works while designing posters.
石岡瑛子 Eiko Ishioka
Born in Tokyo. After graduating fromTokyo University of Fine Arts & Music, won international acclaim as a graphic designer and art director, a set and costume designer for film and so on. Her long list of accolades includes an Academy Award for costume design for the film Bram Stokerユs ヤDraculaユ, the Award for Artistic Contribution at the Cannes Film Festival for her production design of the film ヤMishima.ユ
亀倉雄策 Yusaku Kamekura
Born in Niigata, 1915 . His master works are posters for the 18th Olympic Games, Japan World Exposition in Osaka and Hiroshima Appleals. He was the editor of メCreationモ magazine focused on international graphic design, art illustration and was awarded Mainichi Design Awards for this achivement (1994), He was given the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsawa (1994).Died in 1997.
ヘンリク・トマシェフスキー Henryk Tomaszewski
Born in Warsaw in 1914. He studied at the Academy of fine Arts in Warsaw where later he a professor from 1952 till 1985. He is a poster maker, set and graphic designer, illustrator, and catoonist. He won many awards as that. And granted the title of Honorary Royal Designer for Industry by Royal Society of Arts in London.
勝井三雄 Mitsuo Katsui
Born in Tokyo in 1931. Graduated from the Tokyo College of Education in 1955. He worked for Ajinomoto food company from 1956 to 1961. Then he became a free-lancer. Katsui has done art direction work for the Japan World Exhibition, Osaka (1970), the Ocean Exposition, Okinawa (1975), and the International Science and technology Exhibition, Tsukuba (1995). Authored ヤvisionary scopeユ(2003)
アラン・フレッチャー Alan Fletcher
After Graduating from RCA in London and the School of Architecture and Design at Yale University, he stared working as graphic designer in NY. He worked for Fortune magazine, the Container Corporation and IBM. Moving back to London in 1962 he co-founded Fletcher/Forbes/Gill, which served such clients as Penguin Books and Olivetti. Whilst working at Pentagram, which he co-founded in 1972, he created design programmes for Reuters, Daimler Benz etc. He opend his own studio in 1992.
アンドレ・フランソワ Andre Francois
Born in 1915 in Hungary which is now part of Romania. In 1934 he studied with A. M. Cassandre at school in Paris. By 1945 he had acquired a growing reputation with French, English and American magazines as a humorist artist. And then he was producing childrenユs books, posters and stage designs. By the early 1960s he was working mainly on painting, sculpture, and occasionally posters, etchings and covers for the New Yorker magazine.
マーゴ・チェイス Margo Chase
The founder and creative director of Chase Design Group at L.A.. She studied biology and medical illustration at the University of California at San Francisco. In 1981 She moved to L.A. and started working as graphic designer. She began designing for music campanies and designed Record Cover for Prince and Madonna. She also design for film industry.
ウヴェ・レーシュ Uwe Loesch
Born 1943 in Dresden, Germany.He studied Graphic Design at the Peter-Behrens Academy D殱seldorf in 1964 till 1968. He belongs to the leading international poster designers. His work is represented in all important museums and collections such as MoMA New York, Le Mus仔 de la Publicit� Paris and the Library of Fine Arts of the foundation Staatliche Museen Preuァischer Kulturbesitz Berlin.Since 1990 he holds a professorship for communication design at the University of Wuppertal.
アントニオ・ペレス・ニィコ Antonio Perez �ko
Born in 1941 in Havana, Cuba. Graphic designer. He graduated from Havana University in graphic design and art history, and he has also studied with polish designers Zelek, Gorka and Swerzy. He designed posters for Exhibition and Music Concert.
スタシス・エイドゥリゲヴィチウス Stasys Eidrigevicius
Born 1949 in Mediniskiai, Lithuania. Graduate of Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts in 1973. Active in many artistic fields such as: miniature, ex libris, oil painting, book-plate, book-illustration, studio graphic, poster, sculpture, masks, installations, theatre. He moved to Warsaw in 1980. His works are in the permanent collection of MoMA in NY, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Vatican Museum in Roma.
マーシャル・アリスマン Marshall Arisman
Born in 1938 in NY. After graduating from Pratt Institute, he began working as artist, illustrator. He contributed his illustration for ヤTIMEユ and ヤNew York Timesユ. His painting works are in the permanent collections of Brooklyn Museum, at the National Museum of American Art and the Smithsonian Institution.
ネヴィル・ブロディ Neville Brody
Born in 1957, London. Graphic designer, art director, type designer. He studied at the London College of Printing and He made numerous record covers in the early 1980ユs. He was art director of the English magazine ヤThe Faceユ from 1981 to 86. In 1987 he founded The Studio in London, and his unusual computer-generated designs has become an international model for the new age of computer-oriented design.
サイトウマコト Makoto Saito
Born in Fukuoka in 1952. He is active in various fields as a graphic desinger, commercial art director, creative director and film director, and he is a producer / designer of new products. He debuted as a graphic designer in the early 1980ユs. His posters are included in the permanent collections of The Museum of Modern Art New York and in also other museums in such locations as Chicago, London, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, and Tokyo.
ゲルト・ドゥンバー Gert Dumbar
Born in 1940. He learned painting and graphic design at Royal Academy of Fine Arts in the Hague. He established Studio Dumbar in 1977 after he left his previous agency Tel Design. Since then the Studio Dumbar team has completed numerous design programs for many major national and international clients, including IBM, Phillips, Apple Computer Europe, the British royal Academy of Art, Bayer GmbH, and the Danish Post. Recently they have a new studio in Rotterdam.
1927年,オランダのユトレヒト生まれ。うさぎのミッフィーで知られる絵本作家。本名ヘンドリック・マフダレヌス・ブルーナ。51年より出版社の父のもとで,グラフィックデザイナーとして本の装丁, ポスター製作に携わる。52年に絵本づくりを始める。55年にミッフィーシリーズ第一作となる『ちいさなうさこちゃん』出版。 シリーズ絵本は42カ国語に翻訳出版され,世界で8000万部以上のロングセラーとなる。75年に出版社をやめ,以来自分の創作に専念する。現在もユトレヒト在住。
Born in Utrecht in 1927. One of the most famous creators of childrenユs picture books in the world. He illustrated the covers of many paperbacks, posters and advertisements for his family publishing business from 1951. He illustrated his first picture book in 1952. The first Miffy book was published in 1963. He began to devote himself to picture books in 1972 and until now Bruna has written and illustrated almost 100 books.
エイミー・グイップ Amy Guip
After graduating from Syracuse University in 1987 with a B.A. in Fine Arts, she moved to New York to pursue a career in illustration. Amy taught herself photography and incorporated this medium into her work. The result was not only intriguing, conceptual imagery but a broad ability to convey tone and message. Her clients as: Nike, Coca-Cola, MTV, Showtime, Leviユs, Newsweek, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Sony Music, Warner Brothers, Polygram, Random House, and IBM.
矢萩喜従郎 Kijuro Yahagi
1952年,山形県生まれ。ユ74東京学芸大学卒。ユ76桑沢デザイン研究所卒。グラフィック,サイン,写真,アート,建築,評論,出版を手がける。「アジア・アートビエンナーレ・バングラデシュ」(ユ93年)や「現代日本デザイン展」(ソウル国立現代美術館,ユ94年)にアーティストとして参加。写真家の活動としては,『VISIONS OF JAPAN』(ユ91年)や『HIDDEN JAPAN─自然に潜む日本』(ユ93年 )などがあり,建築では,ユ95年に集合住宅,ユ98年と2000年に個人住宅を完成させた。
Born in Yamagata in 1952. Graduated from the Tokyo Liberal Arts University in 1974 and the Kuwasawa Institute of Design in 1976. His projects include graphic, sign, photography, art, architect, criticism, publishing. He joined in asia art viennnale Bangladesh as artist in 1993. Publications include ヤVIsions of Japanユ and ヤHidden Japanユ He also has neen active in architecture , completing a condominium in 1995 and a private residences in 1998 and 2000.
タナカノリユキ Noriyuki Tanaka
Born in Tokyo in 1959. Completed master course at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music in 1985. Since the mid-80s, he has been working internationally on domestic and foreign exhibitions and projects, lectures, collaborations with scientists, planning of a science museum, art direction of Peter Greenawayユs film ヤThe Pillow Bookユ, Music Video, CM, performances, advertisements, CI, art direction of product developments, and creative direction of Uniqlo.
谷田一郎 Ichiro Tanida
1965年,東京生まれ。86年東洋美術学校卒業。86年BISEに入社。92年に独立し,ペインティングやドローイングに専念。94年よりCG制作を再開。96年に個人事務所John and Jane Doe Inc.を設立。映像,CG,イラストレーションなどジャンルを問わず幅広く手掛ける。ヒロ杉山とのNeo-Art Group,Towa Tei and GraphickersのV.J.としての活動も行う。近作にアサヒ,TBC,安田火災,任天堂CFなど。
Born in Tokyo in 1965. After graduated from Tokyo art school, he entered BISE in 1986. He left BISE in 1992, and began to focus on study of painting and drawing. Tanida made a comeback in 1994 with his CG works. He founded John and Jane Doe Inc. in 1996. His projects include moving image, CG, illustration. His resent works are Asahi, TBC, CF for Nintendo etc.
ホンマタカシ Takashi Homma
Born in Tokyo in 1962. He left Department of Photography, Nihon University, Tokyo in 1984. From 1985 to 91 he worked at Light Publicity, Co., Ltd., and he lived in London from 1991 to 92. From 1993 he lives and works in Tokyo. He won the 24th Kimura Ihei Memorial Photography Award in 1999. His photo books include ヤTOKYO SUBURBIAユ, ヤBABY LANDユ, ヤHYPER BALLAD: Icelandic Suburbun Landscapesユ .
レイモン・サヴィニャック Raymond Savignac
Born in Paris in 1907. In 1935 he became A.M.Cassandreユs pupil. In 1949 his work Monsavon Cow received much attention and he became famous as poster artist. He has contributed to the image of many leading French and foreign companies, from Bic to Air France, from Dunlop to Pepsi Cola. And japanese clients include Morinaga, Toshimaen, Suntory. Died in 2002.
ステファン・サグマイスター Stefan Sagmeister
1962年,オーストリア生まれ。ウィーン応用芸術大学でグラフィック・デザイン修士号取得。フルブライト奨学生。ニューヨークのプラット大学で修士号を取得。ウィーンでフリーのデザイナーとして活動を開始。91年より香港に滞在した後,93年にニューヨークにSagmeister Inc.を創設。以来ローリングストーンズ,デビッド・バーン,ルー・リード,エアロスミスらのアートワークを手がけ,国際的なデザイン賞を数多く受賞。
Born in Austria in 1962. Received his MFA in graphic design from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and, as a Fulbright Scholar, a masterユs degree from Pratt Institute in New York. Formed the New York based Sagmeister Inc. in 1993 and has since designed for the Rolling Stones, David Byrne, Lou Reed and Aerosmith. Has been nominated four times for the Grammies and has won most international design awards.
ラルフ・シュライフォーゲル Ralph Schraivogel
1960年スイスのルツェルン生まれ。82年にチューリッヒ・デザイン学校を卒業し,チューリヒに自分のスタジオを設立。グラフィック・デザイナーとして主に,チューリヒ美術館,チューリヒ・デザイン美術館などの現地の文化機関の仕事を手掛ける。1992年から2001年までチューリッヒデザイン学校で教鞭をとり,ベルリンのHdk Hochschule der Kunsteの客員教授も務める。
Born in Luzern, Switzerland in 1960. Graduated from the Z殲ich School of Design in 1982. Since leaving school he works as an independent graphic designer mostly for local cultural institutions , especially for: Kunsthaus Z殲ich, the Z殲ich Museum of design. From 1992 to 2001 he teached at the Zurich School of Design and he was a guest professor at the HdK Hochschule der Kunste in Berlin.
ロバート・ナカタ Robert Nakata
1960年,カナダ生まれ。アートディレクター。1983年,カナダ・トロントのオンタリオ芸術大学グラフィックデザイン科卒業。1985年,アメリカ・ミシガン州のクランブルック芸術アカデミーで美術学士号を取得。1986年にオランダへ渡り,92年までスタジオ・デゥンバーで働く。現在はWieden & Kennedyに在籍。
born in 1960 in Canada. Art director. Graduated from the Ontario College of Art, Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1983. Graduated from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA in 1985. He moved to the Netherlands and worked for Studio Dumbar from 1986 to 1992. Currently affiliated with Wieden & Kennedy advertising agency.
カイル・クーパー Kyle Cooper
1963年生まれ。ハリウッドにある映画タイトル制作会社Imaginary Forcesのクリエイティヴ・ディレクター,共同経営者。イェール大学のポール・ランドのもとでデザインを学んだ後,映画のタイトルデザインを手がけ始める。95年の『セブン』で高く評価され,96年に仲間と共にImaginary Forcesを設立。以後,『ミッション・インポッシブル』『スポーン』など100本以上のタイトルを制作している。
Born in 1963. Creative director and managing partner. After he learned under Paul Rand at Yale University, he directed feature film titels and broadcast projects and commercials. His movie title sequence of David Fincherユs Seven in 1995, made his work known all over the world. He established Imaginary Forces, Hollywood in 1996 and has directed more than 100 titles include, Mission Impossible, Spawn etc.
デビッド・カーソン David Carson
Born in Texas in the United States in 1955. Principal of David Carson Design in New York City. He has a B.A. degree in Sociology and he was also a professional surfer. His design of Beach Culture magazine won over 150 awards. And he is most well known for his work art directing the magazine メRay Gunモ which had no consistent typefaces or layouts and he became メAmericaユs most innovative designersモ.
ジョン・ハートフィールド John Heartfield
Born in Germany in 1891. His real name is Helmut Herzfeld. Influenced by George Grosz, he made satirical works against the Nazis with photomontage, the production of pictures by rearranging selected details of photographs to form a new and convincing unity. After WWI he joined KPD and Dada group. He was forced to leave Germany in 1933 and moved to England. In 60 back to East germany. Died in Berlin in 1968.
Me Company
Me Company is a London-based metamedia dream-team founded in 1985. They specialise in high-impact imagery, brand creation and identity development for a wide ranging and influential group of corporate, agency and artist. Their work typically includes art direction, typography, logo development, character design, graphic design and animation. Recently they have created print, broadcast video, internet, video games, interior design and product design.
ディラン・ケンドル Dylan Kendle
Camberwellでグラフィック・デザインを専攻し,94年に卒業。95年Tomatoに参加。Leviユs USAやNike Europeの広告キャンペーンをはじめとする数多くのCM,『トレインスポッティング』のタイトル・シークエンスを担当した。96年にTomatoを離れた後も,Leviユs Europeの印刷物,BBCやLeviユsのマルチメディア・プロジェクトのクリエイティブ顧問,Irving Welshの『The Acid House』など,メディアの枠を越えた活動を続けている。
Dylan Kendle graduated in graphic design from camberwell in 1994. He joined Tomato in 1995, making work from print campaigns for Leviユs USA and Nike Europe to numerous commercials and the title sequence for Trainspotting. Since leaving Tomato in 1996 he has continued to work in mixed media, through print for Leviユs Europe, creative consultancy on multi-media projects for the BBC and Leviユs etc.
ザ・デザイナーズ・リパブリック The Designers Republic
Established in 1986 by Ian Anderson. Sheffield based design group. They are the most infulential design compnay in recent decade and produced many followers. Major works include Warp Records, Wipeout, Satoshie Tomiie, Pop Will Eat Itself, Issey Miyake, Towa Tei, Pulp, The Orb, Autechre.
昭和8年創業の兵庫の印刷所,北川紙器株式会社が平成元年にGRAPHと名を改め,以降「DESIGN X PRINTING=GRAPH」というコンセプトのもと,デザインと印刷の仕事を同時に手がけることで独自の印刷技術やディレクションを行ってきた。現在は東京にデザインセクションをおき,兵庫の印刷セクションと連係させ仕事を行っている。これまでの仕事に,書籍「ローカル」,「絵画の教科書」,酒蔵「富久錦」 など。
Originally GRAPH was a printing office,Kitagawa Paper Co,.Ltd, in Hyogo, which established in 1933. Later they changed their name to GRAPH and begun to deal with both design and printing. Their working concept is メDESIGNXPRINTING=GRAPHモ. Now they locate design section in Tokyo and that of printing in Hyogo. Their major works include bookモLocalモ,モThe Textbook of Paintingモ Sakakura メFukunishikiモ.
チャールズ・S・アンダーソン・デザイン・カンパニー Charles S. Anderson Design Co.,
Established in 1989, this company has produced award-winning packaging, identity, advertising design, and product design for a diverse list of clients including French Paper, Nike, Target, Pottery Barn, Coca-Cola, Leviユs, Sony, Nissan, The New York Times etc. Their approach to design is a continuous evolution inspired by the high and lows of art and printed culture.
ブルー・ソース Blue Source
London based creative group of artists from various genres. They have made their works in collaboration with photographers and illustrators. Their projects include music videos, commercials, title sequences, short films, documentaries, graphic design. Mejor projects include artworks for Chemical Brothers, Leftfield and Coldplay, Adidas campaign.
立花文穂 Fumio Tachibana
Born in 1968 in Hiroshima. Graduated from Visual Communication Design Division of Musashino Art University. Established self publishing book label メBurner Bros.モ with his elder brother Hidehisa Tachibana. He published his own art book メKami-gamiモ and メHi-biモ in 1998 and メClara Dressmaking Laboratoryモ in 2000 as limited edition.
M/M (Paris) is a design unit between Mathias Augustyniak and Michael Amzalag established in 1991 in Paris. Their works are primarily in the relation to music, fashion and art as ヤVogue Parisユ creative consultancy, Calvin Klein advertising, Balenciaga advertising, artworks for Bj嗷k and Madonna, Catalog design for Pompido Center, interior design for Cafe Etienne Marcel etc.
Tomato, founded in 1991 is active in a wide variety of creative fields, including films, graphic design, print publications, multi-media, fashion, architecture, music, business consulting, and more. Members are Michael Horsham, Steve Baker, John Warwicker, Graham Wood, Simon Taylor, Jason Kedgley, Karl Hyde, Rick Smith, Dirk Van Dooren, Joel Baumann, Anthony Rogers, Tom Roope, Tota Hasegawa.
ジョナサン・バーンブルック Jonathan Barnbrook
Born in Luton in 1966. He is a graduate of St. Martins College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art, and works as an independent graphic design and TV commercial director at Barnbrook Studio in Londonユs sultry Soho district. He has also worked on experimental typefaces in his own font foundry, Virus.
ノース North
North was started by Simon Browning and Sean Perkins in 1995. North have worked with a wide range of national and international clients in a wide range of media. As a design consultancy, North is a progressive contrast to large traditonal ヤBrithishユ corporate identity companies. North takes a dynamic modern approach applying ヤrelevantユ self expression around original concepts and contexts.
奥村靫正 Yukimasa Okumura
1947年,愛知県生まれ。1968年桑沢デザイン研究所卒業。1970年WORKSHOP MU!!の創立に参加,日本のロックミュージックの数々のアルバムデザインに携わる。1979年ザ・ステュディオ・トウキョウ・ジャパン設立。Yellow Magic Orchestraのアートディレクターとして,アルバム,ポスター,映像,ステージ,コマーシャルなどのディレクションを手がけ注目される。以降,書籍,雑誌,広告で活躍中。
Born in Aichi, Japan, in 1947. He graduated from Kuwasawa Design Research Instutute in 1968. He joined in establishing Workshop Mu!! in 1970. He established The Studio Tokyo Japan, Inc in 1979. His direction works for the Yellow Magic Orchestra made him famous in Japanese 80s culture. He works mainly for books, magazine, albums, posters, films, stages, and commercials.
仲條正義 Masayoshi Nakajo
Born in Tokyo in 1933. Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. In 1956 he entered the advertising department of Shiseido,and moved to Deska K. K. in 1959. Became a free-lancer in 1960 and the following year he started the Nakajo Design Office. Major works include Shiseido PR magazine メHanatsubakiモ, ヤthe ginzaユ, tacticsdesign, matsuya ginza, spiral, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo.
ビルド Build
マイケル・C・プレイスが2001年にロンドンで始めたデザイン事務所。たまにニコラ・J・プレイスも参加。マイケル・C・プレイスは1969年,北ヨークシャー生まれ。ニューカッスル大学卒業後,90年よりトレヴァー・ジャクソンのレーベルBite it!で主にレコードのスリーブデザインを手がける。92年から2000年までザ・デザイナーズ・リパブリックに在籍。現在ビルドでは仕事は印刷向けのデザインを主に手がけている。
Design studio Bild was founded by Michael C Place in 2001. Build is Michael C. Place and sometimes Nicola J. Place. Michael born in North Yorkshire, England in 1969. He graduated from Newcastle College in 1990 and then he went on to work at Bite It!, London with Trevor Jackson working on mainly record covers. He started work at The Designers Republic from 1992 to 2000. Now build specialises mainly in design for print.
ザイアン CYAN
Cyan was founded in 1992 by Daniela Haufe and Detlef Fiedler. The studioユs projects include books, magazines, film and multimedia works for clients in the cultural project for the Berlin State Opera, Radio Free Berlin, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, etc. Cyanユs posters are in many poster collections such as MoMA New York, Poster Museum at Niederrhein Emmerich, Museum for Art and Design Hamburg.
スタンリー・ダンウッド Stanley Donwood
イギリス,エセックス生まれ。デザイナー,アーティスト,作家。ドローイング,コラージュ,写真,文章など様々な手法で構成された独自の文学的作品を展開。1994年のシングル「my iron lung」以降のレディオヘッドのアートワークで知られる。著作に,『slowly downward』,『Catacombs of Terror!』がある。
Born in Essex, England. He is a designer, artist and writer. His story with his drawing, photo, sentence,and various way of expression has an interesting uniqueness. He is also famous for his art work of Radiohead, which he stared from メmy iron lungモ, 1994. He auhored メslowly downwardモ, メCatacombs of Terror!モ, and many others.
大友克洋 Katsuhiro Ohtomo
1954年,宮城生まれ。73年『銃声』でデビュー。続けてアクション漫画を手がけ,83年には『童夢』で第4回日本SF大賞を受賞。緻密な画面構成,卓抜した描写力とストーリーは,漫画界全体に大きな衝撃を与えた。82年より連載が始まった『AKIRA』は,国内だけでなく海外をも巻き込んだ一大ムーブメントを引き起こした。現在,フルデジタルアニメ『STEAM BOY』制作中。
Born in Miyagi in 1954. In 1973 debut with his first work ヤJuseiユ. He won the Japan Sci-Fi Grand Prix in 1983 with メDomuモ. His detailed composition, distinguished description and story have made a huge impact on the entire manga world. メAKIRAモ started in 1983 became a megahit domestically as well as in foreign countries. He is currently working on full digital animation film, メSteam Boyモ.
中島英樹 Hideki Nakashima
1961年,埼玉生まれ。アート・ディレクター,グラフィック・デザイナー。95年に(有)中島デザインを設立。音楽,エディトリアル,ファッション等の分野で活躍中。99年より坂本龍一,後藤繁雄,空里香とのユニット「code」に参加。主な仕事に雑誌「CUT」,坂本龍一『SAMPLED LIFE』その他一連の作品,イッセイ・ミヤケの広告,マーク・ボズウィック写真集『SYNTHETIC VOICES』。
Born in Saitama in 1961. Graphic designer and art director. He established Nakajima Design Inc in 1995. He has been active in the fields of music, editorial design and fashion. Since 1999 he joined a unit メcodeモ with Ryuichi Sakamoto, Shigeo Goto and Norika Sora. His major works include magazine ヤcutユ, Ryuichi Sakamoto ヤSAMPLED LIFEユ, Issey Miyake, and Mark Bothwick ヤSynthetic Voicesユ.
エクスペリメンタル・ジェットセット Experimental Jetset
アムステルダムを拠点とするグラフィックデザインユニット。彼らは規則的な文脈関係と標準化された美学に注目しつつ,パンク,シチュエーショニズム,デ・ステイル,ゴダール,キューブリック,オランダのプロボ運動,初期のモダニスト運動,陰謀理論にも影響を受けている。クライアントに,ポンピドゥーセンター,Paradiso,Emigre Magazine,オランダ王立郵政局,アムステルダム近代美術館,Purple Instituteなど。
Experimental Jetset is a graphic design unit based in Amsterdam. Focusing on systematic contextualism and standardized aesthetics, their influences include punk, situationism, De Stijl, Godard, Kubrick, the Dutch Provo movement, early modernist movements, and conspiracy theories. Their clients include Centre Pompidou Paris, Paradiso, Emigre Magazine, Royal Dutch Mail (PTT/TPG), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, and Purple Institute.
ケイト・ギブ Kate Gibb
1994年にミドルセックス大学卒業後,セントマーチンでイラストレーションの博士号を取得。現在はシルクスクリーンを用いた作品を制作し,デザイナーやミュージシャンとのコラボレーション作品を多く手がけている。最近の作品に,ケミカルブラザーズのCDカバーデザインや,ドリス・ヴァン・ノッテン,リーバイスなどファッションブランドとの仕事がある。「The Face」,「Arena Homme Plus」などの雑誌にも参加。
Kate Gibb graduated from Milldesex University in 1994. In 1998 she completed her MA in Illustration at St Martinユs School of Art and Design, London. Since leaving college she has made silkscreen printing works and collaborated with design groups and musicians. She created some works for the electronic pop music The Chemical Brothers and some fashion brands as Dries Van Noten, Leviユs.
羽良田平吉 Heiquiti Harata
1947年,東京生まれ。東京芸術大学美術学部工芸科ヴィジュアル・デザイン専攻卒業。70年代初めよりエディトリアル・デザインを中心におおくの書容設計の仕事を通して若い読者層の支持を得る。95年以降Macintosh DTPに新境地を開拓。21世紀に入りデジタル・グラフィクスのシーンにも影響を与え続ける。79年WXY(ダヴレクシイ),89年EDiX(エディックス)を設立。
Born in 1947. Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with a major in Visual Design. In the early 70s, worked on the magazine ヤShinjuku Play Mapユ, which led to a large body of work in editorial design, from which he gaind a strong following among young readers. Since 1995, He has been operating new horizons through DTP on a Macintosh. Established WXY in 1979 and EDiX in 1989.
大竹伸朗 Shinro Ohtake
1955年10月8日,東京生まれ。画家。幼少の頃から絵を描き続け,77年に渡英。80年武蔵野美術大学油絵科卒業。82年に初の個展を開催し,以降国内外で多くの展覧展を行い注目を浴びる。現在に至るまで,絵画や立体作品,印刷物による作品,パフォーマンスなど,幅広い創作活動を展開し続けている。作品集に『SO』(UCA),『 ZYAPANORAMA』(朝日新聞社),など。89年頃より愛媛県宇和島市在住。
Born in 1955 in Tokyo. Devoted himself to painting from his childhood. Visited to UK in 1977. Graduated from the Musashino Art University, Tokyo in 1980. He held his first one-man exhibition in 1982 and then his works were attracted at home and abroad. Until today his works include drawing, sculpture, printed matter, music, performance etc. He lives in Uwajima, Ehime. One of the representative artist in Japan.
増田正 Tadashi Masuda
He was born in Nagoya in 1922. He graduated from Tokyo Art College in 1943. In 1954 he established T.Masuda Design Institute.From graphic to commercial desgin , from food and sigtseeing to heavy industry,there was no field he had not dealt with. In recent years,he took many photographes of private houses in Europe and published ヤCoutntrysideユ. He is an emeritus professor of Tama Art University.
蕭松根 Shungken Shiau
Sungken Shiau was born in Central Taiwan in 1929. After graduated from a technical school, he was interested in commercial art and joined an advertising agency in Taipei. He studied graphic arts by himself. He founded his own Shungken studio in 1952. In 1954 he established Wylie Graphic printing Co. His main design activity has been directed to packing desgin and lettering.
稲垣行一郎 Koichiro Inagaki
Born in 1935. He graduated from Tama Art University in 1959.He worked at Suntry Co as a art director of publicity department.He made many commercial posters on newspapers.He deal with CI of メRoyal Hostモ メSanyoモ メRinger Hutモ メBeckersモ etc. He tought at Tama Art University, and Miyagi University.In 1995 he received a doctorate in educational psychology. Now he teaches at Meijyo University.
フランシス・R・エスティバン Francis R.Esteban.
Born in Ohio in 1935. He received the degrees of Industrial Design from the University of Cincinati and Master of the Fine Arts in Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art. He worked as an art director in several advertising agencies, an associate in a graphic design firm, and a graphic designer in an architectual firm and a graphic design consultant.
アレックス・スタインワイス Alex Steinweisse
ブルックリンに生まれ,リンカーン・ハイスクールでレオン・フレンドにデザインを学んだ。大学卒業後,コロンビアレコードのアートディレクターとなり, 2000 以上のレコードジャケットをデザインした。大戦後に独立しスタジオを開設,グラフィックデザイナーとしてリキュールなどの大衆向けのパッケージデザインを行った。絵画作品を発表する際にはピエドラ・ブランカという筆名を用いている。
Born in Brookyn,New York, he was a student of Leon Friend at Lincoln High School. After formal education at university, he became art director of Columbia Records.He has designed upwards 2,000 album covers.After the war he opened his own studio, he did packaging design for liquors for the masses. He paints under the name of Piedra Blanca.
中村誠 Makoto Nakamura
Born in Morioka in 1926. He graduated from the Tokyo Art College. In 1949, he joined the advertising division of Shiseido Co, where he has been the chief of the production division, an advisor for the company. He received many prizes at home and abroad. With Shigeo Fukuda, he did an exhibition メ Mona Lisa 100 Smilesモ at the Louvre museum.
アネグレト・バイアー Annegret Beier
Born in Neisse, Germany, in 1940. Graduated from the State School of Arts and Crafts in Bremen and the State Academy of Art and Design in D殱seldolf. After that she worked as a free-lance designer for several publishing companies. In 1963 she moved to Paris, and in 1967 to U.S.A. But in 1971 she came back to Paris, and had their own studio, the Herb Lubalin-Paris Studio, with Robert Delpire.
ジェームス・ミホ,トモコ・ミホ Jim Miho/Tomoko Miho
Both of Jim and Tomoko was Born in California and Their parents were second-generation Japanese vineyard owner. One hand Jimユs family think a great deal of Japanese culture but Tomoko was brought up as nomal American. Jim studied design at Art Center College after the Korean War and met Tomoko there who studied industrial design there. In 1956 they married. In 1971 Jim founded Miho Inc.
バリー・ゼイド Barry Zaid
Born in Toronto, Canada. He studied English, architecture and archaeology at the University of Toronto. Upon graduation he worked in design studio in London and travelled throughout Europe. Returning to Canada he free-lanced as an illustrator and designer and later became a studio art director. This was followed by 2 years of independent work in London. He joined Push Pin Studios in New York in 1969.
細谷巌 Gan Hosoya
Born in Kanagawa, 1935. In 1953 graduated from Kanagawa Technical High School, industrial design course. In 1954, joined Light Publicity Co., Ltd.Art directed many advertisements. Judge for Mainichi Industrial Awards, ADC members awards. Representative director of Light Publicity Co., Ltd.
水野卓史 Takashi Mizuno
Born in Osaka, in 1933. During his school days at Tama Fine Arts College, he always used to draw only faces of females with Anna Cosmetics as a theme. His outstanding illustration drew special attention of Ayao Yamana, who was teaching at the college and also was an adviser to Shiseido Co. Graduated in 1955, he joined Shiseido on Yamanaユs advice. His illustration are evaluated as Ukiyoe in present-day.
ケネス・F・ジュング Kenneth F. Jung
He is a member of the Hawaii Art Directors Club. Graduated from Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angels, advertising design.In 1960 he joined Lennen & Newell, Honolulu. Now he is a senior art director there.
Received numerous gold and blue ribbons for advertising art in Honolulu Advertising Club exhibitions. Awarded Certificates of Merit in Hawaii Artists and Art Directors Club exhibitions.
田保橋淳 Jun Tabohashi
Born in Seoul, in 1931. His father was a professor of Seoul University and come back to Japan when WW2 was over. Studied at Kanazawa College of Art, Oil Painting. From 1957 to 1991 he worked for Dentsu Inc. and designed advertisement of many companies that represented Japan. Received over 180 international/domestic awards including Tokyo ADC Award, N.Y.ADC Awards and many others.
勝岡重夫 Shigeo Katsuoka
Born in Yokohama, in 1940. Graduated from Kanagawa Technical High School. Once he worked for Light Publicity and in 1977 he established Katsuoka Shigeo Design Studio. He designed many of CI or BI including Tomato Bank, Sapporo Beer, Meiji Life insurance Company. And received many Awards including Asahi Advertising Award and Tokyo ADC .
Eiichi Hasegawa
Now the detail of his life is unknown. But in 1962 he received Mainichi Advertising Award as an art director. Title of that work is Akadama Port Wine by Kotobukiya.
ズビ・ナーキス Zvi Narkiss
Born in Israel. Since 1950s has worked as designer. As type designer, he has worked on Hebrew typefaces. He also designed coins and bills.
ギュンター+ギセラ・ドンゴウスキー Gunter & Gisela Dongowski
Gunter was born in Lotzen, Eastern Prussia, in 1923; and Gisela in Wattenscheid, Westphalia, in 1925. Both of them were classmate at the State Academy of Fine Art in Stuttgart. They studied graphic design for 6 years there. After graduate they married and since then have combined to form of team.Their design of package of soup, thread and medicine are regarded as high quality.
フランコ・グリニャーニ France Grignani
Born in 1908 near Pavia, Italy. At the start of his career, he aligned himself in the rows of the second futurism. He studied architecture but afterwards dedicated to painting and graphic design.With attention to science and phycology, he researched the sign and structure typical for our time, practising abstract and optical forms.Died in 1999.