IDEA magazine324
Maps and Diagrams / Andrew Blauvelt

IDEA No.324
Published: 2007/9
Price: 定価3,111円/2,829+tax jp yen soldout

Special Feature: Maps and Diagrams / An Interview with Kohei Sugiura: Generating diagrams, transforming subject. / Special Poster: Time-based Map of Japanese Archipelago / Special Feature2: Andrew Blauvelt Walker Art Center 1998-2007 From Work to Text / When flying pigs design Vol. 37 Text by Kyoichi Tsuzuki / Critical eyes for Japanese Typefaces vol. 2: Typeface and Kana, Mitsuo Fukawa, Hiroshi Komiyama & Junichi Kusaka / On Hand Lettering Vol.7 Chapter II Part 4, Koga Hirano, Naomichi Kawahata and Osamu Torinoumi

Special Feature: Maps and Diagrams

[Illustration section] Statistics, Population, Territory Body, Motion, Health Knowledge, Memory, History[Interview Section]Nobuo Nakagaki, Nobukuni Takada, Mitsuo Katsui, Tztom Toda and Yukimasa Matsuda.


Special Feature2: Andrew Blauvelt / Walker Art Center 1998-2007 From Work to Text
Andrew Blauvelt is Design Director and Curator at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. As a practicing graphic designer and as a creative director, he is one of the most influential figures in US graphic design. As a critic and historian, Blauvelt has authored essays and guest-edited special issues on design and culture for many publications. This special article features both of his works and texts using 40 pages edited/layouted by themselves.
