IDEA magazine312
Kaoru Kasai Design Works

IDEA No.312
Published: 2005/9
Price: 定価3,111円/2,829+tax jp yen soldout

Special Feature: Kaoru Kasai Design Works / Lars Müller Building Books / The Works of Mitsuo Fukawa / Dutch Resource: The exhibition by Werkplaats Typografie /design manierism(1)–diségno interno by Hiroshi Takayama / Typography Review vol.11 “Typography as a part of the Fundamental Studies” Text by Minoru Niijima, Supervision by Jiro Katashio, Design by Yoshihisa Shirai, Typeset by Akira Okayasu / Shinro Ohtake Original Serial Poster [2nd impact] Part 14 Side A(inside): LONDON/HONCON 1980 Side B:(outside): APOLINAIRE. H.K.

Special Feature: Kaoru Kasai Design Works
Kaoru Kasai is one of the leading art directors and designers in Japan. Kasai was initially traind as a layout and lettering specialist. These experiences ensure the unique treatment of details and type in his works, and make them original and convincing. This special feature presents Kasai’s recent works both changes of his attitude and unchanging spirit over the past decade.




Lars Müller Building Books
The many visual books that Baden, Switzerland-based designer Lars Müller has published from his self-owned publishing house in recent years cultivate a new style of communication which called “Visual Reader.” In July, 2005, the Watari-um Museum in Tokyo displayed a body of materials that recorded Müller’s trial-and-error process of book making from the initial idea to printing. In this article, we reconstruct these traces of Müller’s work, and try to find the source of his imagination.


The Works of Mitsuo Fukawa
The article traces Fukawa’s multidimensional activity and his representative works on typography.


Dutch Resource
The exhibition by Werkplaats Typografie


design manierism(1)
diségno interno by Hiroshi Takayama
