IDEA magazine278
IDEA vs. The Designers Republic issue

IDEA No.278
Published: 2000/1
Price: 定価3,048円/2,771+tax jp yen soldout

Special Feature: IDEA vs The Designers Republic -40 pages original design works and layout by DR, GTF -Graphic Thought Facility, Mevis & Van Deursen, ABC in Pittsburgh: Fumio Tachibana, Me Company: BPM the Game Graphics, Nendo Graphixxx 1995-1999, Gianluigi Toccafondo -Pinocchio- primal vision, Serials: !! New !! Kyoichi Tsuzuki -When Pig Design, Tadanori Yokoo -Source Vision of Design, Serial Bound-in Posters-Part 6: Shinro Ohtake and more.

IDEA vs The Designers Republic – 40 pages original design works and layout by DR


GTF -Graphic Thought Facility


Mevis & Van Deursen


ABC in Pittsburgh, Fumio Tachibana


Nendo Graphics 1995-1999


Gianluigi Toccafondo -Pinocchio- primal vision

Me Company: BPM the Game Graphics

Serials: !! New !! Kyoichi Tsuzuki – When Pig Design

For Alternative Communication vol.1 “Sympathetic Communication in Abstract Form” by Noriyuki Tanaka

Tadanori Yokoo -Source Vision of Design

Serial Bound-in Posters-Part 6: Shinro Ohtake

Cover Design: The Designers Republic
Established in 1986 by Ian Anderson. Sheffield based design group. They are the most infulential design compnay in recent decade and produced many followers. Major works include Warp Records, Wipeout, Satoshie Tomiie, Pop Will Eat Itself, Issey Miyake, Towa Tei, Pulp, The Orb, Autechre.