Editor: Noboru Sakamoto
Art Director: Hiroshi Ohchi
Cover Design: Tadashi Masuda
Metromedia Show
Illustrator Ted Rand
Illustrator Bob Brown
The Penman’s Paradise by John Seddon
Artist Partner’s Limited
Roger Coleman
Marja Kruyt
Jenny Powell
Tony Richards
Aubrey Rix
Barry Zaid
Natsuo Ishikawa
Your Fly is Open!
Jack Roberts; the AD with humanity
Tadashi Masuda
Tadashi Masuda
He was born in Nagoya in 1922. He graduated from Tokyo Art College in 1943. In 1954 he established T.Masuda Design Institute.From graphic to commercial desgin , from food and sigtseeing to heavy industry,there was no field he had not dealt with. In recent years,he took many photographes of private houses in Europe and published ‘Coutntryside’. He is an emeritus professor of Tama Art University.