All We Know About Japanese Zines: Doujinshi, Mini-comi, Little press… A history of self-publishing, 1960s-2010s
Barbora, Momo Nonaka

All We Know About Japanese Zines: Doujinshi, Mini-comi, Little press… A history of self-publishing, 1960s-2010s
Published: 2017/11/01
Price: 定価2,860円/2,600+tax jp yen
ISBN 978-4416517673

This book is the first attempt to explore the history of zines in Japan. From the 1960’s to the 2010’s, 1580 illustrations, 17 interviewees.

Barbora is the author of the book “20th Century Editorial Odyssey” that summarizes the publication culture of the 20th century.

Momo Nonaka is a translator who runs the online shop “Lilmag” since 2007.

(Text in Japanese)
324 pages, 182 x 257mm, paperback

Book Designer: Kazuhiro Yamada (nipponia)
Cover Illustrator: Kyoka Tanno
Editor: IDEA (Makie Kubo and Madoka Nishi)


Introduction: We do not yet know about the Golden Age of Zine

Chapter 0: ABC of Zine

Chapter 1: The 1960s and 1970s—In post-occupation Japan

Chapter 2: Zines in the 8Os―Fragments of Postpunk Living

Chapter 3: Zines in the 9Os―The World Before Google

Chapter 4: Zines in the 2000s: Print’s not dead / Between Zines and Blogs

Chapter 5: Zines in the 2O1Os―Break the internet

Chapter 6: 3O Years of Comitia and the Original Independent Comics

Discussion: Kimihiko Nakamura, BELNE and Naoto Yamakawa
Moderator: Tomoko Yamada

Chapter 7: Voices of People who has Contributed to the Japanese Zine Culture

Norio Tamura (non-fiction writer)
Shoko Shimura (journalist)
Jiro Saito (editor)
Toyoko Nakanishi (WAN)
Tomohiko Murakami (editor)
Manabu Kuroda (music producer) + Minako Watabe (HERE TODAY)
Ayumi Nakayama (TACO ché)
Akira Aratake (shop33/next33)
Natsuo Kitazawa (new journalist)
Minori Kai (Loule)
Yayoi Ikeda (Catch That Beat!)
Keisuke Narita (Irregular Rhythm Asylum)
Atsushi Horibe (Seiko-sha)
Machiko Kyo (Manga Artist)
Tomohiko Mochizuki (
Retro Insatsu Jam (printing company) + MON (illustrator)
Kimihiko Nakamura (Comitia)