Editor: Noboru Sakamoto
Art Director: Hiroshi Ohchi
Cover Design: Graphicteam
Graphicteam by Hiroshi Ohchi
Illustrator Clif Condak by Akiko Hyuga
Illustrator Douglas Gorsline
Illustrator Al Hirschfeld
Illustrator Jerome Martin
On Herb Lubalin by Tadahisa Nishio
Individualism squelchers by Herb Lubalin
Fifteen Award Winning Type Face Design
German Trade Fairs and Exhibitions by Rene Elvin
British Poster Design Awards 1964/65
Graduation Work of Graphic Art Students for 1965
Young American Designers in Tokyo
Established in 1964, in Köln. The four founders of this company, Hans Buschfert, Siegfried Himmer, Binfried Holz, Hainz Rippert, were born in the late period of 1930’s, and originally designer or photographer in Bayer AG. They worked in the field of commercial art, photography, design and publicity campaign as well.